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求雅思口语范文PART2:a prize you won ,2分钟左右,急急急!!!




这篇e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e78988e69d83363的题目是参加的竞赛,你可以稍作修改 ps:这是外国教学中用得原创材料
I have attended many competitions in different phases of my life and have won some prizes from those competitions as well. One such contest that I would like to talk about was the Cycling competition that I participated in my college.

I was then a student of college and around 15 years old. One day I noticed an advertisement in our local newspaper that an inter-college cycling competition would held on next week. The entry fee would be $20 and the prizes would be given to the first three cyclers. I had a passion on cycling and I that’s why I thought to participate it.

On the day of the contest I went to the starting point and registered my name in the competition. I took my bicycle and wore my cycling dresses. I noticed there were around 30 competitors and I was asked to stand at my start point. With the sound of the whistle I start cycling. I had very less intension of winning prized but I simply did concentrate on cycling. The total distance was around 5 miles and that required some energy and time. After I finished the racing, I was really surprised to hear that I won the third prize. I found that some of my classmates were shouting because I was one of the three prize winners.

I felt really happy and proud that I did well in this competition. Actually I never took my cycling habit seriously and after I did well in that competition, I started participating in other cycling competitions as well




我的第一次科学常识作文500字左右 小学生科普征文500字 科普说明文作文500字 写一篇趣味科普常识故事的作文五百字左右 片段组合式作文我的母亲六百字 片段组合的600字作文 片段组合式作文在尝试中成长600字 有小标题的片段组合式作文600字 关羽大意失荆州150字左右梗概 关羽大意失荆州的故事内容 关羽大意失荆州 简短概括 一百字左右. 简述关羽大意失荆州的故事 植树的作文143个字 植树节作文250字 作文 植树怎么写 300字左右 求一篇300字有关于植树的作文 急求雅思口语part2 范文!!! 雅思口语part2时间,我陈述超过1分钟就可以了,还是必须说... 雅思口语part2没有说满2分钟怎么办 关于雅思口语part2时间 人与人之间互相帮助的作文600字(5篇以上) 人与人之间互相关爱的作文600字 人与人之间互相关爱互相帮助的作文600字 人与人之间相互关心帮助的600字作文 我的烦恼作文500字 我的烦恼作文500字 急! 我的烦恼 500字作文 雅思小作文字数不够会有多少分? 雅思小作文和大作文字数是不是分别超过150,250就可以了? 雅思大作文字数问题 雅思小作文字数不够扣多少分 人物外貌描写作文400字 我和父亲 作文 450字,要有外貌描写,语言描写,动作描写 我的爸爸作文 有外貌描写 一片有关描写爸爸外貌特点,兴趣爱好的作文,400字左右 新警察故事好看吗? 《桃花依旧笑春风》讲的什么故事?好看吗? 《新警察故事》到底值不值得看呢? 警察故事哪一部最好看 关于小狗的作文(520字) 写小狗的作文五百字 小狗的活动范围作文五十字 写小狗的作文150字 怎么做个好的药品文案 药品经营企业人员招聘广告文案设计怎样写 药品广告中不能使用的广告语是什么? 药品销售广告词怎么写 写桥的作文,400字(小学四年级) 写人的作文400字 怎么写桥这个作文400字以上 写人写事作文400字 小时候看过一个动画片,是一辆黄色的小车叫笨笨,寻找妈妈的故事... 谁看过以前的一个动画片,是一辆小汽车找妈妈的,好多集,小汽车...
