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CET-4提纲作文:Teaching and Learning



今天小编给各位分享cet4作文模板的知识,文中也会对其通过CET-4提纲作文:Teaching and Learning和关于online learning的英语作文等多篇文章进行知识讲解,如果文章内容对您有帮助,别忘了关注本站,现在进入正文!

  • CET-4提纲作文:Teaching and Learning
  • 关于online learning的英语作文
  • 教和学的关系learning and teaching
  • 求写这篇英语作文,急!
  • 一、CET-4提纲作文:Teaching and Learning

    Teaching and Learning

    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Teaching and Learning. You should write on less than 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:





    Teaching and Learning

    Teaching and Learning are parts of the same educational experience. While passing knowledge to① the students, a teacher is also learning. He learns from② his teaching materials and his students’ questions, and above all③, he gains experience from④ his own teaching. On the part of⑤ the students, they learn from the teacher, from the books and also from their peers. Therefore, teaching and learning are of one unity, supportive of each other⑥.

    Unfortunately, teaching and learning are sometimes treated as⑦ two separate things. In such a situation, the teacher is only regarded as⑧ the one who gives whereas the students consider themselves solely as passive receivers⑨ and thus do not try to make an active use of⑩ his brains. As a result11, both the teacher and students fail to12 cooperate satisfactorily with each other and work efficiently.

    As a student, I think we shouldn’t always count on13 teachers. Listening to teachers in classroom is only part of the learning, the greater part of which exists outside the class. To be good students in the real sense14, we should try to develop our ability to work independently, share what we are strong in15 with each other and learn to put what we have learned into practice16.


    ①pass knowledge to:把知识传授给…

    ②learn from:从…中学习(知识)

    ③above all:首先,首要的是

    ④gain experience from:以…中获得经验

    ⑤on the part of:对…来说

    ⑥supportive of each other:互相支持

    ⑦be sometimes treated as:有时被当作…

    ⑧be only regarded as:只被当作…

    ⑨consider themselves solely as passive receivers:只把他们自己当成被动的接受者

    ⑩make an active use of:积极利用…

    11as a result:结果是

    12fail to:做…失败

    13count on:依靠;依赖

    14in the real sense:真正意义上的

    15what we are strong in:我们很强的方面,我们的强项

    16put what we have learned into practice:实践我们的知识



    全文三个自然段分别紧扣三点提纲,逐步展开。而且这三个自然段的开始句均为各段的主题句。第一段首先说:Teaching and learning are parts of the same educational experience。接着谈到了老师和学生双方均可从教学过程中学到知识,增长智慧,双方互相支持。第二段以Unfortunately开头,暗示了本段将谈论与前面所述相反的内容,接着写出了本段的主题句teaching and learning are sometimes treated as two separate things。下文就谈到了人们所持的另一中观点:老师是知识的传授者,学生只是知识接受者,并指明了这样带来的不良结果:双方不能有效地合作。第三段谈论了作者本人作为一名学生所应持的态度和观点,并向广大读指明了怎样才能成为一个真正的学生。


    一、关于online learning的英语作文


    Technology has been playing an increasingly important role in teaching and learning due to its conveniences and flexibility.

    Recently, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, technology is ever more widely used and becomes a necessary means of instruction, by which teachers around the world conduct their teaching and give instructions on a variety of platforms or through different tools.

    Some people embrace this change and like the new form of teaching very much while others are not fully prepared for it and a lot of problems arise.

    Please write an essay (100-500 words) about your view of online teaching and learning. You can support your views or explain the reasons with your own experiences.













    二、教和学的关系learning and teaching

    what teachers do about teaching is actually giving directions.
    they give the right way to learn instead of giving the answers.
    they should make students feel interested in searching by themselves.

    students are not supposed to study for exam, but knowledge.
    they should have something they think that they will go for understanding it.
    they can ask teachers questions.


    As a middle school student, it is necessary to build up a good relationship with teachers(文凡/陈自敏/高成佳). For one reason, a good relationship can benefit our study. For another, if teachers and students get along well like friends, teaching and learning will not be tasks but pleasure(于倩). As a saying goes, teachers are like our parents. They help us, encourage us and share sorrows with us(刘闻). Being a student, I agree to the viewpoint that (杨森) a good teacher-student relation will make learning enjoyable and interesting(李敬烨). And only with the help of teachers will we fall in love with our study and realize our dream(韩玉龙/刘人杰). However, what is a really good relationship like?(余涛) In my opinion, the good relationship is that teachers and students can talk about anything and care about each other(宋德辉). A good relationship should be equal and harmonious,(万永秋)in which we are teachers and students in class, but friends after class(刘鑫畅). How to set up a good relationship?(张鑫) To begin with, a good communication is a vital step to reach the goal(王玉). We should communicate more with our teachers (江天文). Teachers are also normal persons, so we should understand them(周敏), and respect them and their work(王志敏). The best way to build up a good relation is to treat teachers as friends(蒋勇). What’s more, accepting their advice in a polite way is also important(丁臻婷). As for teachers, they should treat all students equally(王琼梅). If so, students and teachers will certainly get on well with each other.(李运佳)

    关于cet4作文模板的问题,通过《教和学的关系learning and teaching》、《求写这篇英语作文,急!》等文章的解答希望已经帮助到您了!如您想了解更多关于cet4作文模板的相关信息,请到本站进行查找!



    • CET-4提纲作文:Teaching and Learning

    • 158文章网范文示例
    • 今天小编给各位分享cet4作文模板的知识,文中也会对其通过CET-4提纲作文:Teaching and Learning和关于online learning的英语作文等多篇文章进行知识讲解,如果文章内容对您有帮助,别忘了关
