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  • 一、高中英语:高中英语作文范文|必看(可打印)建议收藏





      Last night, I ate a lot of food, such as KTC and ice cream, before I slept, I ate some cold food in the fridge. At midnight, I felt my stomach hurt badly, my family was woke up, they sent me to the hospital. After seeing the doctor, he told me that I had eaten too much food, what’s more, the food was not healthy, so it hurt my stomach. Since then, I realized that I should not eat the rubbish food often, I should keep the healthy diet. Now my diet is regular, I won’t take in much food before sleeping, my body is becoming healthy. In the morning, I eat an egg and make sure I take in enough vitamins. Even when I see the rubbish food is tempting, I take no hesitation to say no to them. I am so proud of myself.



      Punctuality is a very important when you communicate with others. It means the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time. Just imagine this, if you fail to attend an important meeting, you may leave a bad impression on others. Others will be angry with you. Thus, one should always be punctual. This can show your consideration for others. Failure to be punctual is a sign of disrespect to others. Some people hate to wait for others, but they don’t mind being waited for. In this case, they are not respected by others. This kind of people always can find excuses for being late. Such as, stuck on the traffic jams, waking up too late. They never mean to come earlier. I think such behaviour is very selfish. Everybody should form the habit of being punctual. It’s the main element of good quality. Just remember don’t be late.



      Chinese food is very famous around the world, if you ask a foreign people about his opinion on Chinese food, he will speak highly of it. When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently, there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, it introduces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by the delicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now the second part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditional food has been introduced. After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn more about Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food, when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited.





      Almost all of the foreigner investment companies believe that company need to be discipline first, then efficiency.But how do they do?


      Firstly, leaders should exactly do what they have said, that is the beginning of the discipline, and it will impact the reputation of the company. If every employee of the company can do what they said, the discipline teams can be built.


      Secondly, the leaders of the company must be careful about the order they transmit making it, please think and think carefully, otherwise, once has given the order, but no execution, the organization’s discipline will not be exist.


      Finally, the discipline is part of the company culture, how to standard the company’s discipline, is a large knowledge, since discipline is exist company’s invisible culture, is part of the organization, that require every employee be credit and said to do.



      Currently, self-confidence has become the order of our life, which improves the theory that nothing is more valuable than self-confidence.


      It is obvious that self-confidence means trust in one’s ability. If we are full of self-confidence, we’ll have creative power to live and work, helping us success or dreams come true. On the contrary, if we have no confidence in ourselves, there will be little possibilities for us to win. We’ll always face failure.


      What’s more, no one can deny another fact that self-confidence gives us light when we walk in the dark and courage when we face stumbling blocks. With self-confidence, we can achieve goals in our life.



      As time goes by, people are being busier and busier with working, such as signing their contracts, meeting their customers, drawing up the balance sheets of their companies and so on. In this circumstance, people forget our most excellent skill--smile.


      There are a great many kinds of power of smile. First of all, common touch can be showed by a kind smile. Imagine that you go to a company to attend an audition. With a confident smile, you are more likely to answer the question better. Furthermore, smile can eliminate angry. As a philosopher said, smile before you begin to get angry. The last but not the least, it reflects calm of a person when he is in danger or in trouble.


      The beneficial aspects cannot be stated completely in this passage. But you can understand its power when you smile.





      老式风格再次流行 Old Fashion Become Popular Again

      In modern society, everybody is easy to be influenced by the commercial ads. For girls, they chase the fashion and purchase more. The dressing style changes all the time. But in recent years, the old dressing style appear in public again. My mother always complains that I have bought too many clothes because I love new style. When I found the pictures of my mother when she was young, I was so surprised by her dressing style at that time, it looked simple and had its own feature. That style is popular again today. I realize that the classic style is simple. So I change my idea about dressing style. I start to choose the simple style, which is not easy to become old fashion and I can make my match with different styles.



      少年在联合国发表演讲 A Teenager Delivered a Speech in UN

      16 is a very young age, in China, teenagers are going to middle school. Recently, a sixteen years old boy had delivered a speech in UN. He stood for the young generation and gave his voice. This young boy was famous in the early time, and he was from the popular singing group, TF boys. When the group started to be famous, a lot of people laughed at these three young boys, because they thought the boys were imitating the Korean singers. But many years have passed, the boys practiced so hard and become more and more popular. What they presented to the audience was so positive. One of the boys even on behalf of the teenager and stood in the world stage. Even the young boys can chase their dream, why don’t we. If we persist on what we do, then we can make our dreams come true.



      你会对家长说谎吗? Will You Lie to Your Parents

      We are always educated to be an honest person, especially to our parents. While the fact is that every kid will lie to their parents in their lives. For me, my parents are very strict, I am not allowed to go out at night, because the news always reports the bad incidents happen at night. But night activity attracts me a lot, and my friends like to hang out for fun at night, so I choose to lie to my parents and tell them I am doing my homework with my friends. Now as I grow up, I realize it is not right to tell lies, so I decide to be honest to my parents. Once they realize that I am not a little kid anymore, then I will have my right to do what I want.




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