在读证明 兹证明XX,X,出生于19XX年XX月XX日,于20XX年XX月被XX大学XXXXX系四年制本科XXXX专业录取,学号为XXXXXXX,现为我校大四学生。如果该生修完学校计划规定的课程e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e332,成绩合格,将于20XX年XX月毕业并将获得本科毕业证及学士学位证书。 特此证明! XX大学XXXX系(公章)20XX年XX月XX日 Studying Certificate XX/XX/20XX This is to certify that XXXXX, XXX, born on XX/XX/19XX, was enrolled by the Department of XXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXto study the four-year undergraduate program of XXXXX in XXXX/XXXX, with the student No. of XXXXXX. Currently, he is a senior student of our university. If he completes all courses and passes all examinations set by our university, he will be granted the Graduation Certificate and Bachelor Degree Certificate in XX/XXXX Department of XXXXXXX, XXXXXX(Seal)