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  • 四年级下册英语期末真题带答案
  • 小学四年级下册期末考试英语试卷
  • 四年级下册英语测试题
  • 2012年四年级下册数学,语文,英语期末试卷及答案人教版 急急急
  • 一、四年级下册英语期末真题带答案


    一、 将你听到的单词序号填入题前的括号内10分 ( )1 A speak B spread C read ( )2 A end B send C sand ( )3 A off B of C over ( )4 A place B space C croos ( )5 A your B yours C yes 二、 选出你听到的句子,将序号填在题前的括号内10分 ( )1 A I can see twenty-one pens. B I can see twenty-five pencils. C I can see thirty-four pencils. ( )2 A Please count the books on the desk. B Please count the books on the chair. C Please take the books to the classroom. ( )3 A How many are there Twenty-six. B How many are there Thirty-seven. C How many can you see I can see forty-two. ( )4 A Turn right,you can see it on the left. B Turn right,you can see it at the end. C Turn left,you can see it on the right. ( )5 A My husband is twice thirty. B My husband is twice thirty-two. C My father is seventy. 笔试部分(80分) 一、 请你按正确的格式抄写下列单词或句子11分 office Friday question breakfast Mars How can I get there 二、 请你选择划线部分发音不同的单词5分 ( )1 A b[u]oo[/u]k B g[u]oo[/u]d C c[u]oo[/u]l ( )2 A sp[u]ea[/u]k B br[u]ea[/u]kfast C spr[u]ea[/u]d ( )3 A doct[u]or[/u] B h[u]or[/u]se C f[u]or[/u] ( )4 A s[u]a[/u]me B b[u]a[/u]ke C h[u]a[/u]ve ( )5 A b[u]i[/u]ke B k[u]i[/u]te C g[u]i[/u]ve 三、 请你按要求写单词12分 they(名词性形式)_________ have(单三式)_________ child(复数形式)__________ two(同音词)__________ carry(现在分词)__________ right(反义词)_________ 四、 请你把下列句子重新排列,使其成为一段完整的话。12分 ( )1 How can I get there ( )2 Yes,there is. ( )3 Is there a shop near here ( )4 Excuse me. ( )5 You can see it on the right. ( )6 Go down this street , turn right. 五、 选择填空20分 ( )1 Are there ____ apples in the box A an B any C a D the ( )2 There are many ______ in the classroom. A woman B womans C women D womens ( )3 Whose bird are these _______ are yours. A They B Their C Those D Theirs ( )4 May I take a message _____ you A to B for C from D of ( )5 There is no water on ____ Mars. A a B an C the D × ( )6 There ___ some milk in the glass. A is B am C are D isn’t ( )7 Go down this street , you can see it ___ the end. A on B in C under D at ( )8 Is this dog ___ Yes , it’s ____. A your , my B yours , mine C yours , my D your , mine ( )9 ______ I borrow your pen A May B Must C Does D Am ( )10 The light is red . You ___ cross the street now. A mustn’t B may C can D must 六、按要求改写句子10分 1 You must cross the street .(否定句) 2 There are some cows in the farm.(一般疑问句) 3 They are [u]my[/u] desks.(对划线部分提问) 4 There are [u]two[/u] birds in the tree . (对划线部分提问) 5 My name is [u]Mary.[/u](对划线部分提问) 七、 阅读短文,然后判断正误,正确打(T),错误打(F)10分 There is a park near our school . We can see many trees and flowers there . We can see a hill behind the park , too . At the foot of the hill we can see a river . There are some boats on it . It is Monday today . There are many children in the park . Some are walking and singing . Some are dancing or playing games . Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite . Their father and mother are sitting under the tree . All the family are having a good time. ( )1 There are many trees and animals in the park . ( )2 There is a hill in the park . ( )3 Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite . ( )4 Some children are singing . ( )5 All the family are very happy .


    姓名________ 班级_________ 得分_________
    ( )1. A. garden B. girl C. great
    ( )2. A. canteen B. cat C. cake
    ( )3. A. mum B. many C. man
    ( )4. A. mouth B. bus C. class
    ( )5. A. ready B. bread C. head
    ( )6. A. some B. time C. lamp
    ( )7. A. nine B. nose C. no
    ( )8. A. short B. those C. shoes
    ( )9. A. shirt B.bird C. skirt
    ( )10.A.bed B. bag C. red
    二. 听音。选出你所听到的句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。)
    ( ) 1. A. This is my classroom. B. This is our playground.
    ( ) 2. A. Is that the art room? B. Is that the TV room?
    ( ) 3. A. It’s time to get up. B. It’s time to go to school.
    ( ) 4. A . Where is my skirt? B. Where is my T-shirt?
    ( ) 5. A. Whose is this? B. Whose is it?
    三. 听音。根据你所听到的句子,选择所给的单词完成下列句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。)
    ( ) 1. This is our _____.
    A. school B. classroom
    ( ) 2. Is that the _______?
    A.art room B. TV room
    ( ) 3. It’s time for ______
    A. music class. B. English class.
    ( ) 4. It’s ______ .
    A. 6:30 B. 8:30
    ( ) 5. Is this your _____ ?
    A. red shirt B. yellow T-shirt
    四. 听音。根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。)
    1. ( ) A. It’s on the first floor. B. It’s washroom.
    2. ( ) A.It’s 6:05. B.Fourty-five.
    3. ( ) A. It’s 5:00. B. It’s red.
    4. ( ) A. It’s blue. B. Yes, it is.
    5. ( ) A. It’s my blue dress. B. My dress is green.
    ( ) 1.The library is the second floor.
    A. in B. to C. on.
    ( ) 2. That is ____ computer room.
    A. you B. our C. I
    ( ) 3. Is this the art room? _____ .
    A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am C. Yes, he is.
    ( ) 4. Is this a ______?
    A. teacher’s office B. teacher office C. teachers office
    ( ) 5.It’s time _____ lunch.
    A. to B. on C. for
    ( ) 6. It’s time _____ watch TV.
    A. for B to C. on
    ( ) 7. It’s 10 o’clock. It’s time to _____ .
    A. go bed B. go to bed C. bed.
    ( ) 8. _______ are your baby pants.
    A. That B. This C. These
    ( ) 9. It’s 5:00. Let’s _______.
    A. go home B. go to home C. home
    ( ) 10. What time is it? It’s______.
    A. 8:30 B. red C. yellow
    六. 根据汉语意思补全英语单词。(每小题2分,共10分。)
    1. b__ard( 写字板 ) 2. f__n(电扇) 3. w__ll(墙壁)
    4.wh__te(白色的) 5. th__ee(三)
    七. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(每小题2分,共10分。)
    1.That is a ______________ (灯).
    2. It’s time for ____________ (数学)class.
    3. I like green _____________(衬衫).
    4. It’s my _________________(夹克衫).
    5. That is a _____________________(照片).
    八. 根据所给的英语句子,在方框中选出相应的答语, 并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分。)
    A. No, it isn’t.
    B. It’s 12:00.
    C. It’s on the first floor.
    E. It’s my skirt.
    ( ) 1. What time is it now?
    ( ) 2. Is that the music room?
    ( ) 3. Where is the washroom?
    ( ) 4. Whose is the skirt?
    ( ) 5. How many students are there in your class?
    My new friend
    Hi, friends. My name’s Din Hui.I am 12. I am from Beijing. I like sports and music. My English teacher is Zhang Yin. She is short and thin. She likes painting. My music teacher is Zhou Yan. He is tall and strong. He likes computer game. They are nice. I like them. Oh, it’s time to go to school. Bye .
    ( ) 1. Din Hui is a teacher.
    ( ) 2. Din Hui likes painting.
    ( ) 3. Zhang Yin is short and thin.
    ( ). 4. Zhou Yan likes computer game.
    ( ) 5. Zhang Yin is a English teacher.
    1. garden 2. canteen 3. many 4. class 5. ready
    6. time 7. nine 8. shoes 9. skirt 10. red
    二. 听音。选出你所听到的句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。
    1. This is my classroom.
    2. Is that the TV room?
    3. It’s time to go to school.
    4. Where is my skirt?
    5. Whose is this?
    三. 听音。根据你所听到的句子,选择所给的单词完成下列句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。
    1. This is our school.
    2. Is that the TV room?
    3. It’s time for music class.
    4. It’s 8:30.
    5. Is this your red shirt?
    四. 听音。根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。
    1. Where is the canteen?
    2. How many students are there in your clss?
    3. What time is it now?
    4. Is this your skirt?
    5. Whose is the blue dress?
    一,1-5AABCA 6-10BACCC
    五,1-5CBAAC 6-10BBCAA
    六,1. board 2. fan 3. wall 4. white 5. three
    七. 1. light 2. math 3. shirt 4. jacket 5. picture
    八,1-5 BACED
    九. 1-5ⅩⅩ√√√
    姓名________ 班级_________ 得分_________
    ( )1. A. please B. picture C. peach
    ( )2. A. class B. bus C. dress
    ( )3. A. kitchen B. lunch C. key
    ( )4. A. nine B. like C. five
    ( )5. A. socks B. shoes C. shorts
    ( )6. A. green B. seven C. jeans
    ( )7. A. your B. floor C. colour
    ( )8. A. light B. that C. white
    ( )9. A. library B. light C. eight
    ( )10.A.ball B. tall C. wall
    二. 听音。选出你所听到的句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。)
    ( ) 1. A. This is the teacher’s office. B. This is a teacher’s desk.
    ( ) 2. A. Is that the floor? B. Is this the wall?
    ( ) 3. A. Let’s go to the playground. B. Let’s go to school.
    ( ) 4. A . Where is my white sweater? B. Where is my red shirt?
    ( ) 5. A. Is this your skirt? B. Is that your T-shirt?
    三. 听音。根据你所听到的句子,选择所给的单词完成下列句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。)
    ( ) 1. Where is the _____?
    A. garden B.canteen
    ( ) 2. We have a new _______ room.
    A.computer B. music
    ( ) 3. It’s time to ______ .
    A. get up. B. go home.
    ( ) 4. I like the ______ .
    A. blue dress B. red shirt
    ( ) 5. It’s _____ o’clock now.
    A. 8 B. 12
    四. 听音。根据你所听到的句子,选择正确答语。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。)
    1. ( ) A. It’s on the second floor. B. It’s music room.
    2. ( ) A.Yes ,I am. B.Yes it is..
    3. ( ) A. It’s two o’clock. B. It’s yellow.
    4. ( ) A. It’s white. B. Yes, it is.
    5. ( ) A. I can see 10 students. B. Sixty.
    ( ) 1.The teacher’s office is floor.
    A. the first B.first C. on the first.
    ( ) 2. This is ____ new computers.
    A. you B. he C.your
    ( ) 3. Is that the TV room? _____ .
    A. It’s red. B. Yes, it is. C. It’s a map.
    ( ) 4. That is a ______.
    A. teacher desk B. teachers desk C. teacher’s desk
    ( ) 5.It’s time _____ dinner.
    A. in B. the C. for
    ( ) 6. It’s time _____ go to school.
    A. for B. to C. on
    ( ) 7. It’s fiveo’clock. It’s time to _____ .
    A. go home B. go to home C.home.
    ( ) 8. _______ are your baby pants.
    A. It B. The C. They
    ( ) 9. It’s 10:00. Let’s _______.
    A. go bed B. go to bed C.bed
    ( ) 10. What time is it now? It’s______.
    A. 7:05 B. blue C. yellow
    六. 根据汉语意思补全英语单词。(每小题2分,共10分。)
    1. fl__ __r( 地板 ) 2. t__n(十) 3. cla__ __ (课程)
    4.Chine__e(语文) 5.dre__ __ (连衣裙)
    1.That is a ______________ (写字板).
    2. It’s time for ____________ (数学) class.
    3. I like red _____________(夹克衫).
    4. It’s my _________________(照片).
    5. It’s _____________________(9点钟).
    八. 根据所给的英语句子,在方框中选出相应的答语, 并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分。)
    A. It’s white.
    B. They are jeans.
    C. It’s on the second floor.
    D. Yes it is.
    E. It’s 11:00.
    ( ) 1. Where is the teacher’s office?
    ( ) 2. What time is it?
    ( ) 3. Is this a picture?
    ( ) 4. What colour is it?
    ( ) 5. What are they?
    Mike’s blue schoolbag is in the computer room. His green sweater is in the gym. His red shoes are in the library. His yellow jacket is in the canteen, and his brown T-shirt is in the playground.
    ( )1. Mike’s blue schoolbag is in the computer room.
    ( )2. His green sweater is in the library.
    ( )3. His yellow jacket is in the canteen,.
    ( )4. His red shoes are in the gym.
    ( )5. His brown T-shirt is in the playground.
    1. please 2. class 3. lunch 4. five 5. shorts
    6. green 7. colour 8. white 9. library 10. wall
    二. 听音。选出你所听到的句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。
    1. This is the teacher’s office.
    2. Is this the wall?
    3. Let’s go to the playground.
    4. Where is my white sweater?
    5. Is this your skirt?
    三. 听音。根据你所听到的句子,选择所给的单词完成下列句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。
    1. Where is the garden?
    2. We have a new computer room.
    3. It’s time to get up.
    4. I like the red shirt.
    5. It’s 12 o’clock now.
    四. 听音。根据你所听到的句子,选择正确答语。听二遍。
    1. Where is the art room?
    2. Is this a teacher’s desk?
    3. What time is it now?
    4. What colour is the shirt?
    5. How many students are there in your class?
    一,1-5AABCC 6-10ACCAC
    五,1-5CCBCC 6-10BACBA
    六,1. floor 2. ten 3. class 4. Chinese 5. dress
    七,1. board 2. math 3. jacket 4. picture 5. nine o’clock
    八, 1-5CEDAB
    九, 1-5√×√×√

    三、2012年四年级下册数学,语文,英语期末试卷及答案人教版 急急急

    班别__________ 姓名__________ 计分__________

    1.65+360÷(20-5),先算(     ),再算(     ),
    最后算(     ),得数是( )。
    2.72+68+132= + ( ○ )
    35×92+35×8= × ( ○ )
    3.0.057读作:      ;四百零五点七六 写作: 。
    4.23.853精确到百分位约是 ,保留一位小数约是 。
    5.24572600000改写成用“亿”作单位的数是 。
    6.6.02米=( )厘米 3千米10米=( )千米
    6.05千克=( )千克( )克
    0.7 0.706 0.76 0.67 0.076

    8.三角形按角分可分为( )三角形、( )三角形和
    ( )三角形。
    9.一个等腰三角形的底角是80°,它的顶角是( )。
    10.把一根木头锯成两段要用4分钟,如果锯成8段要用( )分钟。

    1.3个一,4个百分之一,5个千分之一组成的数是(   )。
    (1)0.345 (2)3.045
    (3)3.4005 (4)3.405
    2.大于0.2,小于0.4的小数有( )。
    (1)1个 (2)10个
    (3)100个 (4)无数个
    3.拼成一个 至少要用( )个等边三角形。
    (1) 1 (2) 2
    (3) 3 (4) 4
    之间相距( )米。
    (1)9 (2)10
    (3)16 (4)8
    1.4.5和4.50的大小相等,计数单位也相同。     ( )
    2.钝角三角形的两个锐角的和小于90°。       ( )
    3.任何两个三角形都可以拼成一个四边形。      ( )
    4.计算小数加、减法时,小数的末尾要对齐。     ( )
    25×4= 360÷36= 0.3÷100= 120×6=
    58-58= 1000×0.013= 48+32= 84÷4=
    480÷60= 3-1.4= 0÷78= 2.5+0.9=
    8.76-4.27= 45×20= 420+28= 101×28=
    8×9+8= 125×7×8= 7×5÷7×5= 10―2.3―2.7=
    10-3.06 11.36+8.54

    5米23厘米+3米5分米 10千克-3千克600克

    (125+7)×8 3200÷25×4 3.27+6.4+2.73+4.6

    25×44 6.45-0.58-1.42 12×(324-285)÷26







    年份 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
    金额/元 1600 2000 2500 3100 3800 4500
    (1) 根据上面数据制成折线统计图。

    (2) 观察统计图,你发现李红家每年的旅游支出有什么变化?

    (3) 估计一下,李红家今年的旅游支出是多少?

    (4) 你还能提出什么数学问题?请列式解答。

    关于四年级英语期末试卷的问题,通过《四年级下册英语测试题》、《2012年四年级下册数学,语文,英语期末试卷及答案人教版 急急急》等文章的解答希望已经帮助到您了!如您想了解更多关于四年级英语期末试卷的相关信息,请到本站进行查找!


    • 四年级下册英语期末真题带答案

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