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雅思口语话题范文Describe a film about the future



Describe a place you visited

 e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e361 Well, I have visited quite a number of countries around the world with one place being particularly impressive to me, which is the Royal Grand Palace in Bangkok,Thailand-the place where the King used to live. The buildings in the Royal Grand Palace can be generally divided into two types: temples and mansions.

The temples are all decorated in an extravagant style. I was told that the outer part of the temples used to be decorated with real gold and gems . However, it turned out that these expensive material "disappeared " soon after they were installed. As a result, they have all been replaced by artificial gold and glass today.

The mansions there are quite spacious as the King himself and all his wives used to live there.

You know, in Thailand, a man can marry more than one wife owing to the fact that there are much more women than men in this country.

So in the mansion, you will see numerous rooms with one room for a single wife. Seeing that, you can’t help envying the "wonderful wife" the King enjoys!

I saw a film last year.it impressed me deeply.the film is a comedy which miriam yeung impressed me deeply. she is a famous movie star from hong kong.she is not the prettiest star but undoubtedly the cutest one.she is frank and funny,always with a big smile on her face.
she showed her comedic talents in love undercover,in which she played as a rookie policeman who disguised herself in lve with the son of the leader of the mob.she vividly portrayed that outgoing,funny,even bold and rash young policeman in this film.i was moved by her virtuous.in this film,when her friends and she were in danger,she didin't consider her life and safe at all,just manage to rescue her friends. i think she is self-giving.you know they are in a dangerous situation which somebody would shot them with a gun.maybe everbody will save itself first.but miriam yeung save others first without considering herself.i admire her kind heart.

这个是describe a movie star 当然了,你就是用也一定要改了,借鉴一下就行了,一点一点打的大小写没换不好意思啊。。。另外措辞很重要,流利度也重要,有可能是流利不够影响了成绩,或者是背诵痕迹太明显,反正两者都不行啦。好好练吧,祝你成功7a64e59b9ee7ad94330,希望能帮到你了。



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