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有很多同学问我,到底要不要背诵雅思写作范文,我的回答是当然要背了,但是也要讲究背诵雅思写作范文的方法。本文就为大家讲解背诵范文的目的和重要性,以及背诵的技巧,希望能提高大家的学习效率,详情见文章。同学们大家好!今天Phoebe要跟大家讲的是关于背诵写作范文这件事儿。由于每个人英语水平的不同,背诵范文对于有的人来说,是件很简单的事情,而对于很多人来说,背诵范文真得很困难。那么雅思范文到底要不要背诵?背诵范文是为了什么呢?接下来就来跟大家探讨一下~ 首先,我的观点是,背诵范文对你的写作非常有帮助,所以你一定要背诵雅思范文,但是你千万不要把每一篇范文都从头到尾一字不落地背诵出来!背诵范文也是有技巧的! 第一,你背诵的是那些你拿不准的高频词汇的正确拼写方式。比如小作文里常用到的appropriately,fluctuation,大作文里常用deteriorate, detrimental,inexhaustible,等等,很多单词虽然你看起来认识,但是不一定能写对,那么在背诵范文的时候就应该好好背一背这些单词啦。第二,背范文的时候要背organisational phrases,比如像“It is clear that…”这样的,在小作文中可以引领总结段的句式。同样地,还有firstly, secondly, thirdly这样的可以分层表达观点的句式等等,都可以在背诵范文的时候作为积累。第三,最重要的,背诵范文的同时可以背很多Topic Vocabulary,之前我也强调过话题词汇的重要性,雅思写作要想高分,并不是说你用了多少那些所谓的万能词汇,能在看你在某个话题下的词汇量是否丰富,因为用的话题词汇越多才越扣题,在评分标准的task response这一项就做得越好。所以,e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9366大家一定要注意积累大作文不同话题下的词汇。第四,可能很多同学背着背着就能发现,雅思大作文范文可以很容易就用到口语考试中。因为大作文常常和社会现象有关,而口语Part 2的问题,甚至到Part 3的延展中,都有很多社会话题相关的问题,那么大家就要学会融会贯通,背诵范文的同时也提高了口语语料的储备。

  Topic:Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing.Discuss both these view and give your own opinion.
  Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyond our wildest expectations. This has been driven by technological and scientific breackthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on almost daily basis. This means that change is not always a personal option, but an inescapable fact of life, and we need to constantly adapt to keep pace to it.
  Those people who believe they have achieved some security by doing the same, familiar things are living in denial. Even when people believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop the world around them from changing. Sooner or later they will find that the familiar jobs no longer exist, or that the 'safe' patterns of of behavior are no longer appropriate.
  However, reaching the conclusion that change is evitable is not the same as assuming that change is always for the better. Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are prompted because they habe good impacts for the majority of people. A lot of innovations are made with the aim of making money for a few. This is because it is the rich and powerful peple in our society who are able to impose changes (such as in working conditions or property developments) that are in their interests.
  In conclusion, I would say that change can be stinulating and ebergizing for individuals when they pursue it themselves, but that all change, including which is imposed on people, does not necessarily have good outcomes.

Some people think that only students with the best academic results should be rewarded, while others think we should reward students who show improvements. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
奖励最优的理由是什么?因为可以鼓励竞争(encourage a sense of competition),而竞争的话题咱们之前考过很多次,也写过很多次。优秀学生能够给其他学生树立榜样(set a good example),能够激励其他学生刻苦学习(become an incentive for students to study hard)。
奖励进步的理由是什么?因为可以避免竞争,竞争的弊端咱们不也写过么?会导致学生的压力,不利于心理健康(psychological health)。此外,考试考第一的只能有一个人,但是每个人都可以有进步。如果我们奖励的是进步的学生,那么即使是最差的学生也愿意去改变自己(have the motivation to change),这才是对待学习的正确态度(a positive attitude to study)。
最后一段个人观点写到了教育的本质:让每个人都开发自己的潜力(tap the students’ potential),每个人都发挥自己的才能develop their talents。人生不e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e361是去和别人竞争,而是和自己竞争,是一个不断完善自我的过程(a journey of self-improvement)。
Traditionally, the school would reward top students with the highest scores or best performance, but some people believe that the reward should be granted to students who have made considerable progress In this essay, I will discuss this issue from both sides.
It is quite reasonable to reward those excellent students because they deserve the prize. The number of prizes is limited, so they should be given to those really outstanding students. This would encourage a sense of competition between students, as they know they need to become the best to get recognized by other people. The top students would set a good example for other students and the award would become an incentive for students to study hard and excel in their study.
However, some people believe the competition between children may lead to pressure, which is not good for children's psychological health. It is impossible for everyone to take the first place in an exam, so the reward system should be revised. If we can reward those students who show obvious progress in their study and behavior, even the “worst” student would have the motivation to change, and this would help students develop a positive attitude to study and life.
In my opinion, the purpose of education is to tap the students potential and create an environment in which every student can fully develop their talents In this sense, it is more important to praise and reward students who have made improvement than those who are the best. Teachers and parents should make children understand that life is not a competition with others, but a jouney of self-improvement.


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