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History is more than the old stories, myths, or an academic subject for the scholars to write papers or books. Like many other sciences, history not only tells people what have happened before but also functions as a compass to lead human beings in the right course.One of the most important roles that the study of history plays in solving the current human affairs is that it functions as a “rearview mirror”. It shows what is behind you so that you can move forward easily. History is, in essence, the people and their activities, both physical and psychological, in the past. If we accept that the past and the present are not entirely separated, then we have to admit the value of history. Our ancestors have suffered the same troubles, such as disease, disaster, or devil, as what we are confronted with, and their experiences, knowledge, and understanding of nature provide us with invaluable wisdom.It is true that a fewer people claim that history helps people little in unlocking the current problems. They might give a long list of assumed “evidence”. For instance, they say that environmental issues are new, globalization unprecedented, political or economical conflicts fresh, and the like. Nevertheless, they have failed to see that in essence these problems are what our forefathers have experienced. Today people are suffering the same old trouble of poverty, wars, and mental crisis.Therefore, reading history, at least we can find some clues to solve these problems.相关新闻:雅思图表作文常用词整理雅思写作辅导:学习外语写作的三个步骤e68a84e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94332雅思写作辅导:英文写作的7个注意事项(下)雅思写作辅导:英文写作的7个注意事项(上)雅思小作文开头段和中间段的经典句型模板

  History is more than the old stories, myths, or an academic subject for the scholars to write papers or books. Like many other sciences, history not only tells people what have happened before but also functions as a compass to lead human beings in the right course.
  One of the most important roles that the study of history plays in solving the current human affairs is that it functions as a “rearview mirror”. It shows what is behind you so that you can move forward easily. History is, in essence, the people and their activities, both physical and psychological, in the past. If we accept that the past and the present are not entirely separated, then we have to admit the value of history. Our ancestors have suffered the same troubles, such as disease, disaster, or devil, as what we are confronted with, and their experiences, knowledge, and understanding of nature provide us with invaluable wisdom.
Some say the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Othes say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give our own opinion.
结论:只要人们在个人理想和社会需求中寻得共通之处,教育的目的可以双赢,即实 现个人抱负的同时报效社会。
What education serves for has been immersed in conflict for decades. Some firmly believe that it aims to produce efficient and capable promoters for the social progress, whereas others argue that to achieve personal fulfillment should be its ultimate goal.
Personally, the utilitarian function of education is quite understandable, for to boost a sustainable and bright prospect for the society is the shared objective of human beings at all historical stages and social levels, and education, as such a pivotal approach, has long been resorted to. That is why schools and academies were conventionally designed to cultivate future bureaucrats or pioneers in a specific field. Even nowadays the contents of text books are chosen and courses and programs decided basically in accordance with the current social demands.
Besides, let us not forget that it is public schooling that has provided many young minds with opportunities to get free education and thus to change their destiny; therefore, it would be perfectly rational for these beneficiaries to be dedicated to their communities and to pay back afterwards.
Admittedly, however, learning something to one' s heart content, one will automatically involve him or herself in it, actively find ways to surmount the difficulties on the way and turn a painstaking process into an enjoyable one, which consequently brings about a decent career, higher social status, in a word, happiness. But if individuals have to learn what they are supposed to instead of what they sincerely desire , they may end up with a pathetic life course. Favorable to the development of the society as it may be, the education regardless of the well-being of individuals is a failure in essence.
For me, the two statements are not of a paradox at all and education can be of two-fold function, because one probably has several ambitions, and as long as they select those that can serve the society of great value to be the lifetime pursuit and let go the others, both the individuals and the society can prosper.

雅思作文教育类及社会类话题,话题有一定难度。下面是庄子老师提供的该题的雅思大作文范文,供大家参考借鉴。雅思考试中请大家不要盲目照搬范文。History is more than the old stories, myths, or an academic subject for the scholars to write papers or books. Like many other sciences, history not only tells people what have happened before but also functions as a compass to lead human beings in the right course.One of the most important roles that the study of history plays in solving the current human affairs is that it functions as a “rearview mirror”. It shows what is behind you so that you can move forward easily. History is, in essence, the people and their activities, both physical and psychological, in the past. If we accept that the past and the present are not entirely separated, then we have to admit the value of history. Our ancestors have suffered the same troubles, such as disease, disaster, or devil, as what we are confronted with, and their experiences, knowledge, and understanding of nature provide us with invaluable wisdom.It is true that a fewer people claim that history helps people little in unlocking the current problems. They might give a long list of assumed “evidence”. For instance, they say that environmental issues are new, globalization unprecedented, political or economical conflicts fresh, and the like. Nevertheless, they have failed to see that in essence these problems are what our forefathers have experienced. Today people are suffering the same old trouble of poverty, wars, and mental crisis.Therefore, reading history, at least we can find some clues to solve these problems.
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