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自己翻译的,感觉还比较正确636f7079e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193363,呵呵。 Distinguished leadership: Hello! I'm the 2009 session graduate of the Shanghai Institute of Electrical ,and my major is mechanical manufacturing and automation . At the time from college to society,I admire that your organization attaches much importance to the talents and knowledge, venturing to call interference and looking forward to get your appreciation. Nowadays, the college students all focus on improving the quality of themselves.During my life at the university, I have been always positive towards this goal, working hard and bring up good independence and adaptability. During the three years of university , I earnestly studyed my professional courses and achieved excellent results. In addition, I also focued on combining the work and waht I learned , participating in a variety of community activities in the college.While studying at the school, I spent a lot of my spare time to learn computer knowledge, WORD, AUTOCAD, PHOTOSHOP, UGNX and computer assembly, and so on, and I also had a computer professional English, not very proficient though. "To those who often into, unless to regular" . Although I have some achieving, I still need to hone and opportunities. I will find some sky on my own ao so to make my talents play better. With a sincere heart, I recommended myself to your organization . One co-operation opportunity is a good start for me. I believe I will be able to go hand in hand with your company for a better future ,with my whole knowledge structure and a wide range of knowledge. Thank you for giving attention to me on your busy schedule. I look forward to your organization's acceptance and supports, allowing me to join your big family, and I will do my best to play for your organization . Stop here. Salute!

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A covering letter is essential whenever you are enclosing a curriculum vitae to an employer.


  • 自荐信用英语怎么说

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 自己翻译的,感觉还比较正确636f7079e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193363,呵呵。 Distinguished leadership: Hello! Im the 2009 session graduate of the Shanghai Institute of Elec


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