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Dear school leadership:
Learning that your school in an orderly, well-managed in the community enjoy a high reputation. i am filled with a boundless enthusiasm for education of youth, eager to be able to work in such an environment, their own talent. allow me to own to tell us about you.
xx i xx session of pre-university students in school during the hard hard work, not only in the outstanding achievements of the professionals, but also other psychology, english and other areas to expand their knowledge. four years, in the repair of more than 30 courses in the door, almost more than two-thirds of gifted, learning the psychology of all professional courses, the psychology has reached the professional level. in addition, i also trained hard under the basic skills classes, have stronger language skills, organization and management of scientific research capacity and ability to use modern teaching methods for teaching and learning. normal practice in changchun, the fully reflects the higher overall quality of their own, the practice of recognized units.
I am solid self-confidence in their own professional knowledge, rich in psychological knowledge, organization and management of high capacity and teaching ability, competence and good will certainly be able to complete your work to me, please your school gave me a chance.
顺颂商祺!Job-seeking letter
Dear ladies or Sirs:
I hope I have chance to take full advantage of my working abilities to engage in more working. That is the main cause of quitting my current job. I am happy to hear that your company will recruit salespersons. So I am really devout to join your big family, in which I can realize my value. I had a college study in engineering. Since I started to work, I have undertaken two positions, technology and sale, in a long time period. I am confident that I have adequate working experience to compete the position your company provided.
Since 2004, I have engaged in sale. During that period, I have built nice relationships with my clients in every area I was in charge of. Also I learned more knowledge about my profession and the dealing ways about trade in my spare time.
I hold that perfect grouping and cooperation are the basic rule for employee; the working attitude without pretension and impatience is the best tool to complete tasks. Just base to this working idea and plenteous profession knowledge, I trust I can compete for this position. Furthermore, I would like to contribute my knowledge and energy to your company. I believe we will be proud of it.
If it is convenient, I would like to meet you in your office for more details.
Hope your company develops well.

Dear sir or madam,
Thanks for your time first,let me introduce myself to you .my name is liming .And i am a 17 years old student in guanghua middle school.i am a outgoing student and responsible student who likes children.In school ,my favorite subject is English.what is more, I lived in the United kingdom.so my English spoken is good and i have the paper to show my english level
I like not only english but also art. Last year ,in the school paintingcompetition i won the first prize. That something about me.thanks for your time again.



  • 求职信英语作文80字数带翻译

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 不如你写一篇中文的,大家给你翻译,你只说求职信,不知你求的什么职位,给哪个经理,做什么行业的,你的经历如何,这就有难度了。Dear school leadership: hello! Learning that y
  • 求职信(英语作文)

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 范文Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you desc
  • 谁能给篇英语求职信范文120左右

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 刚好我这有老师以前发给我们的范文,希望能够用的着。Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you for your time and consideration. I am writing to you in hope of obtaining a position in your este
  • 求职信英语作文

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 范文Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you desc
  • 英语作文求职信

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • I have learned from your advertisement in the newspaper that your company is in need of typist during this summervacation. I would like to apply for t


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