尊敬的XX先生或女士您好! 感谢您的帮助给我找到了就业的机会!我将倍加珍惜,努力抄工作,勤奋学习zhidao,尊师爱友,克己守法,以优异的工作、学习成绩报答您的关爱与帮助之情,滴水之恩,当涌泉相报,终生不忘!谢谢您!
Dear Stephan,
Hope you are doing well.
I am very glad to tell you that I got the job which you introduced last week. Thank you soooo much.
I will start my job next Monday. I hope we can have a cup of coffee or dinner together when you have time.
I am very satisfied with my new job, it gonna be a new world to me which full of chanllenges. I am well prepared to it.
Let me know when you are free to drink.