Although people work to earn money, money is not the main reason people stay in their jobs. They also work because they enjoy working, they receive job satisfaction, and they like the sense of accomplishment. 7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e339
Most people work for work's sake. They enjoy going to an office, or store, Or school each day. They like to interact with other people. They like to help people solve problems, learn something, or get a product. People like to help other people.
A lot of people keep the same job because the job gives them a lot of satisfaction. They genuinely enjoy what they do. This is true for most teachers. A teacher's pay is not very great, but the job satisfaction can be very high. Helping someone learn is one of the greatest things anyone can do.
People enjoy their work because they like the sense of accomplishment. They like to know that they finished a project. People who work in factories take pride in the car they produce or the television they assemble. When they see a car on the street, they can feel a sense of accomplishment. They helped make that car.
Money is nice, but it is not the only reason people get up and go to work each day. I believe that people work because they enjoy the act of working; they find their work personally rewarding; and they like the feeling of a job well done.
一个普通的朋友从未看过你哭泣。一个真正的朋友有双肩copy让你的泪水湿尽。 一个普通的朋友不知道你父母的姓氏。一个真正的朋友有他们的电话在通讯簿上。 一个普通的朋友会带瓶葡萄酒参加你的派对。一个真正的朋友会早点来帮你准备,为了帮你打扫而晚点走。 一个普通的朋友讨厌你在他睡了后打来。一个真正的朋友会问为什么现在才打来。 一个普通的朋友找你谈论你的困扰。一个真正的朋友找你解决你的困扰。 一个普通的朋友对你的罗曼史感到好奇。一个真正的朋友可以威胁你说出来。 一个普通的朋友在拜访时,像一个客人一样。一个真正的zhidao朋友会打开冰箱自己拿东西。 一个普通的朋友在吵架后就认为友谊已经结束。一个真正的朋友明白当你们还没打过架就不叫真正的友谊。 一个普通的朋友期望你永远在他身边陪他。一个真正的朋友期望他能永远陪在你身旁 !还有好朋友就是你愿意把你心里的话和她说你们朝夕相处 互相信任 互相理解! 可是普通的朋友就是有时见面只是打个招呼就是了 不会多什么话 其实还含点不则呢们很信任的感觉 有时遇见还不怎么说话 很普通的感觉!
Since people's criteria for success differ, there is much debate over whether only those who make a lot of money are successful. As far as I am concerned, in today's society that stresses on individual achievement, money provides the best evaluation of one's accomplishment.
e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e363To begin with, as a standardized measurement used for comparing values, money is objective rather than subjective, so it is considered an authentic reflection of one's achievement. As different people hold different understandings of success, assessing the amount of one's earnings has become universally accepted as a rule to measure one's success. Each year, Fortune Magazine publishes a special issue to rank the top 100 most successful people throughout the world according to their yearly income, because there are no other methods to rely on.
In addition, the amount of money one makes is the consequence of one's hard work and talent. To deny the accomplishment wealth brings is equal to deny the sources from which it springs. In the past, I only believed in spiritual values and then leapt rashly to the conclusion that the best thing in life involves no money at all. It is my uncle who showed me the significance of money and changed my opinion. He told me he respected money and made it a goal to strive for in his way towards success. Because he would have to pay a price for it in terms of time, thought and energy. Gradually, I came to realize it is the mental and physical labor he devotes in the process of making money that paves his way for self-accomplishment, and thus deserves appreciation and respect.
Finally, money is the most powerful possession in one's lifetime. As everyone knows, success is the ability to do whatever one wants to and to be satisfied with oneself. There is hardly anything that can be done without a certain amount of money. Indeed, with money, one can meet his or her material demand in life, such as taking effective medicines, living in magnificent houses, eating various delicious food, and so on. Also, with money, one can do a lot of meaningful things to benefit others, such as donations to poor people. All these will not only satisfy one's need for personal fulfillment, but also add grandness to one's success.
In conclusion, money serves as a measurement of one's achievement. But we should keep in mind that only those who obtain money by hardworking and use it to benefit the society are really successful.