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One day for me
Everyone has his own day, and sometimes happy, sometimes sad. My day is sad.
Today is my birthday, I how also not happy, because Daddy has to go, to go out to work. In the morning, I early got out of bed, after dinner, dad wanted to go, I want to give my father, dad said: "you at home, not to send me on the line." My sister cried to send dad, Dad had to let us go to send.
To the station, my father bought a ticket, ready to get on the bus, my father said to me: "graceful, you are at home to listen to mother's words, you grow up, to take good care of your body, take good care of your sister." Father finished, on the car, I looked at my father to leave the scene, my eyes blurred. Dad, Dad, you have to come back early! I'll take care of myself and my sister!
I recalled his father had this took me to go on an outing, I will not father and play together, can't go fly kites the, you can not see with the I obtain a good result. The smile on your face, I will can't hear you comfort my words, Dad. Come back soon!
I walk alone in the field, the sky is blue and blue, I seem to understand the pain of leaving their loved ones. Love is so great, I stand in the field, loudly said: "Dad, I will wait for you back."

I got up at 7 o 'clock in the morning, after washing gargle eats breakfast, 8 a.m., went to school to study. I like English lessons, learning English for me is kind of fun and later want to engage in English.
My English teacher is a patient teacher, so I learned many valuable knowledge. Night written some homework, 9 to go to sleep.
This is one of my day, although lead isn't very strain of a day, but I have it enrich is very happy.
I got up at 7 o 'clock in the morning, after washing gargle eats breakfast, 8 a.m., went to school to study. I like English lessons, learning English for me is kind of fun and later want to engage in English.
My English teacher is a patient teacher, so I learned many valuable knowledge. Night written some homework, 9 to go to sleep.
This is one of my day, although lead isn't very strain of a day, but I have it enrich is very happy.

My last weekend was really cool. I got up early on Saturday because my parents and I decided to go to the park. We went boating and climbed the mountain. We had a pinic in the park and we really enjoyed ourselves. I did my homework last Sunday morning. In the afternoon, I visited my parents and helped them with the housework. In the evening I sufed the interenet and read books. I really had a good time last weekend.


  • 英语日记写一天的好事和坏事的范文

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 我的一天One day for me每个人都有自己的一天,有时快乐,有时忧愁。我的一天是悲伤的。Everyone has his own day, and sometimes happy, sometimes sad. My day is sad.今天是我的生日,可我怎么也高兴不起


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