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Last Sunday morning ,when Li Ming was still in bed ,his friends had waited him in the park .Three hours later ,they went into the park and boated on the lake .They played happily . Suddenly ,one of them fell into the water .Just then Li Ming arrived .When he saw that ,he quickly jumped into the water and saved his friend .At last when both of them came up ,they went to play happily together.

Today is sunday.Our teacher took usto the park as volunteers to take part in a activity.
We went to the park at 8:00am and arrived at 9:00am.We did our work as soon as get there.
Some students planted trees and some watered flowers.The others helped workers to clean the park.We tried our best to finish our work and our teacher speaked high of us.By the time of 11:00am,we finished our work.Although we were tired,we were very happy.
很简单的一篇作文,主要是要注意文章中的时态 问题,以为是日记,应用过去时来写.

A happy weekendMr. Smith's families decided to have a picnic at the weekend. On Saturday morning, Mr. Smith drove their private car early on the way to the island near their home. There were five persons in their group, Mr. Smith, his wife, and his three children. When they got to the island, they took many photos and arranged some activities , such as swimming in the sea, running around the island, climbing up a mountain and eating some seafood. They had a good time in the island and enjoied themselves. What a happy weekend!e79fa5e98193e78988e69d83333




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