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(2005年湖北)明天(e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94336星期五)全班同学将去参观科学博物馆(the Science Museum),由你(班长)通知全体同学。(通知的开头和结尾已给出)内容如下:  1. 早上8点钟在校门口集合,步行前往。  2. 下星期一交一份有关参观的报告。  3. 参观时要认真听,仔细看并记下有趣的东西。  4. 不可在博物馆内大声喧哗及拍照。  5. 带笔和笔记本。  要求:①不要逐句翻译。 ②字数60~80。 Fellow students, We are going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow. We will meet at the school gate at eight in the morning and we will go there on foot. Take your pens and notebooks with you. We should listen and watch carefully and write down something interesting when you visit the museum. Please don't make any noise in the museum and don't take any pictures. You'll have to hand in a report about the visit next Monday. Thank you. 希望你能满意 谢谢

All professors and associate professors are requested to meet in the college conference room on Saturday, August 18, at 2:00 p. m. to discuss questions of international academic exchanges.
May. 14, 2000
Dear Examinee:
As you know, due to unfortunate circumstances, ETS was forced to cancel the scores of the Octorber 1992 TOEFL administration in the People's Republic of China. At that time, you were notified that you would be able to take another TOEFL without charge up through the October 1993 administration. You should be aware that the TOEFL program has a long standing policy of not refunding test fees when administrations are cancelled.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause to you.
Russell Webster
Executive Director
TOEFL Progra

书面通知用词贴切,语句简洁,具有书面化;口头通知用词表达要注重口语化。口头通知的开头往往有称呼语(被通知的对象),如:“Boys and girls”,“Ladies and gentlemen”,“Comrades and friends”等,或用提醒听众注意的语句,如“Attention,please!”“Your attention,please!”“May I have your attention,please?”等,且最好有结束语,如:“Thank you(forlistening)”以示礼貌.
高二(三)班的全体同学将于2002年11月20日在学校图书馆举办一次活动,活动包括诗朗诵、讲故事、唱歌、舞蹈,现以全班同学的名义邀请全体高中同学参加,届时,将请各班主任作为教师代7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e339表出席,请参加的师生每人准备好一个节目。发布通知的日期为2002年11月11日。 (字数70-100字)
We're going to have interesting activities in the school library at8:00 a.m on November 20,2002. By then,some of us will read poems and some will tell stories. You canalso hear wonderful singing and watch beautiful dancing there. We hope all thesenior students can come and join in the activities. All the headmasters willbe invited to our activities as representatives of teachers. Please get oneperformance ready because some of you will probably be asked to give us one.

Students of Class3,Senior2.

November 11,2002.




We will hold an important meeting for all of the student cadre inthe office of the Youth League Commission at 4 o'clock pm on Firday this week.Please do not be late or absent.

Student union

(3) 书面通知
The sports meeting which was to take placethis Saturday has to be put off because of the heavy rairi these days. Allstudents are required to come to school on Saturday morning as usual, but therewill be no class that afternoon. Weather permitting, the sports meeting will beheld next Saturday morning. Members of the school ping-pong team must come tothe Ping-pong Ha]] at 4:30 this Saturday afternoon. Ping-pong stars from Wuhan will come and givespecial training and coaching then.
Office of Physical Education
10th September, 2009


Attention, please!
This is your monitor, Chen Tao. I have something to tell you. This Friday, April 21st, we shall go to Stone Field CountryPark for this year’s spring trip. The park is in the south of Guangzhou. It’s a very beautiful place. We can see many kinks of plants there. Wecan also have sports games for fun and BBQ meals in the park. But remember thatfire can only be allowed in the barbecue places.

Boys and girls,
May I have your attention, please?I have something to tell you. Thereis an English lecture in the school meeting-room, at 3:00 on Monday afternoon.Professor Zhang, from Beijing Foreign Studies University, will beinvited to give us a lecture on how to become interested in English and improveour English. All should be present ahead of time. Do remember to take anotebook and a pen with you. After the lecture, everyone should make a plan forEnglish study.
That’s all. Thank you.


假如有一批澳大利亚中学生在京旅游,住在北京饭店,请用英语为他们拟一个参观颐和园的口头通知, 内容要点如下:

1.参观时间: 五月四日,星期三
2.颐和园简介: 它是中国最大的保存最完好的皇家园林, 风景优美, 甚是迷人, 有山有水, 有皇家建筑和画廊。
3.活动安排: 上午自由参观, 中午在快餐馆吃午饭, 下午5:30返回宾馆。
4.集合时间: 星期三早上6:10, 汽车6:30开, 行驶45分钟。
5.集合地点: 宾馆大门口。
要求: 不要逐条翻译, 词数100词左右 。

One possible version:
May I have your attention?
We will visit the summer Palace on Wednesday, May 4. The Summer Palaceis the largest well-kept royal park in China. In the park there is waterand man-piled hills. There are some royal buildings and a gallery, too. I amsure you will be struck by its beautiful scenery. In the morning we will befree to visit the different places of the Palace and then we will have lunch inthe fast-food restaurant. We will get back to the hotel at half five. Pleasegather at the hotel gate at 6:10 on Wednesday morning. The buses will start at6:30. It will take us about 45 minutes to get there. Please be on time. That’sall. Thank you.


  • 英语通知作文怎么写

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • (2005年湖北)明天(e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94336星期五)全班同学将去参观科学博物馆(the Science Museum),由你(班长)通知全体同学。(通知的开头和结尾已给出)内容如下:  
  • 英语作文通知写作格式

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 通知(通告,Notice)是要告知某种信息而使用的一种文体,它是上级对下级,领导对成员或者组织者对参与者传达事情,部署工作或者召开会议等所使e68a84e799bee5baa6361用的日常生活中经常使
  • 英语的通知范文

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • attention please.our class will have an activity on national day.we will leave school at 7:00 am and take the bus.at 8:30 am ,we will arrive the peopl


用英语写一张关于英语晚会的通知 请你以学生会的名义、写一篇关于参加圣诞节晚会的通知 英语作文 用英文写一个通知 给员工写一个新年晚会的通知,要求用英语写,求给为给写一份 阳春三月的意思? 阳春三月是什么意思? 阅读题:阳春三月 阳春三月是什么意思 这样多好啊650字作文 作文提纲《这样多好》 这样一直下去该多好600作文 作文《有……多好》 关于英语作文 通知 的格式? 写一则英语通知作文 英语作文通知写作格式 英语的通知范文 赏析 毕淑敏的《我很重要》 毕淑敏的《我很重要》阅读短文题目,求高手 求毕淑敏的我很重要中的5句美句摘抄赏析 毕淑敏《我很重要》句子赏析 找10篇300字中国历史故事 300字左右的 中国古代故事(300字左右,10篇) 求历史故事 300字 10篇 中国历史故事 关于理想的作文(1000字左右) 我的理想作文(科学家)400字 理想作文800字高中 中考作文,我有一个理想作文,800字 租房子简单合同怎么写 简单的租房协议怎么写 简单的租房合同怎么写? 私人简单租房合同应该怎么写 要描写人物的中考满分作文 写景的中考满分作文的优美开头结尾 中考满分作文等待 中考满分作文 小猫钓鱼的故事 小猫钓鱼的故事描写 小猫钓鱼的故事全文 小猫钓鱼的故事(整篇) 清明节的英语作文100个单词以上 清明节做了些什么事英语作文带翻译100字(用现在完成时) 急需一篇120字的以清明节为主题的英语作文!!! 用英文介绍清明节、字数100字左右 可以免费发软文的网站有哪些? 软文广告经典案例,软文怎么写,软文网络发布 哪些网站可以发软文 有哪些网站可以免费的发布软文 用《亡羊补牢》写一篇作文,从不同的角度写800字 作文 《亡羊补牢 为时不晚》800字 如何用《亡羊补牢》写作文 用拔苗助长和亡羊补牢各写一句话请知道的人快回 渔夫的故事课文怎么分层
