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To dear neighbors whom it may concern,

Some of your lovely pets are always peeing and pooping around my property / house / home lately. I am so annoyed. Would you please control your precious puppies or kitties and clean their disgusting wastes in time. Or else, I will have to take this to the court.

Thank you for your help!



Dear ***, Due to price increase in materials, garments price should be incresed accordingly. But as I believe that we have good working relationships, we would like to keep ou...
Dear Sir,

I am writing to complain about the quality of a wallet, which I purhcased from your shop two days ago. It is branded xxx, and I bought at a price x,xxx RMB.
It is not a cheap one, and I expect it a good quality. However, to my surprise, it runs always faster and faster. I adjusted it to the correct one two days ago. It should wake me up at 0630 while it did ring at 0500. I lock it in the drawer, but it rings again this morning at 0400.

All of my family are not happy about me and my wallet, and I ask for your attention to solve it as soon a possible, otherwise I will have to call 12315.

Looking forward to hearing from you at my number 1234 5678.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Sir,
I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr. 2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P. R. China. But when I wanted to use it, I found that there was something wrong with the quality of the mobile phone. The phone’s ring cant’t work and it also can’t send messages. So I went back to the shop and asked the sales assistant to replace it. Unfortunately, he told me that the products were sold out, so I couldn't have it replaced. As a result of the mobled phone’s new style, there are no spare parts, so it means that the phone also can’t be repaired. I hope that company will replace my mobile phone in time, and the more quickly, the better.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Sir,
I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr. 2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P. R. China. There is something wrong with my mobile phone. The mobile phone can’t send messages and it can’t ring if someone calls me. What was worse, this kind of mobile phone has been sold out, so it cannot be changed a new one. This kind of mobile phone is in a new style, so the shop has no spare parts to repair my phone. I was so worried about it. I make a request to your company to change it as soon as possible. I hope you can give me a hand.
I am looking forward to receiving your answer. Please give me a letter as soon as you receive my E-mail.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Bu Manyi


  • 英语作文(抱怨信)

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • To dear neighbors whom it may concern,Some of your lovely pets are always peeing and pooping around my property / house / home lately. I am so annoyed


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