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I Learn English Like This

English is very important for us. Everyone wants to learn it well. My English is very good. How do I learn English?
First, I listen to the teacher and make notes carefully in class. I revise my old lessons and prepare my new lessons after class.
Second, I like speaking English withmy classmates, not only in classroom, but also on the playground. It's to improve my spoken English.
Third, I keep a diary every day to practise my written English.
Besides this, I often read English newspapers or magazines in order to enrich my knowledge on English culture.


Improve Your English Through Practice
After2 or3 years' English learning, you will probably wonder how to further improve your English. When you speak, do not translate what you want to say from Chinese into English. If you do, you'll get mixed up in some usages①. You'll consider“wait”as a transitive ② verb, for instance. You'll never add “to”after“listen”,but you might write “sheeps” for the plural form, though you know they're wrong when the mistakes are pointed out.
Therefore, to improve your English, you need to practise your spoken English, and think in English. That is to say, you should build up your sense of the English language.
Grasp any chance to speak English. When you see a desk, for example, have the word in your mind; say“What's the time? It's….”when you see a clock. In this way, you'll be able to learn with ease and use with freedom. For example, you'll be able to tell that“Korea Lies to the east of China.”but“Guangzhou Likes in the south of China.”without hard thinking.
We're learning English as a foreign Language. It is true that we cannot learn it without any grammatical rules. But, your sense of grammatical rules comes from constant③ use of language. It's unnecessary to recite the rules and apply④ the rules in speaking. In a word, you will improve your English only by opening your mouth to practise. Practice makes perfect.
“What if I make mistakes in speaking English?”Do not worry. You needn't be afraid of making mistakes. Even when people speak their native language, they may make various kinds of mistakes! Further, many kinds of mistakes will be rubbed off in the process of learning through practice.

How to learn English First ,you should speak English in class .首先,你应该在课堂上说英语。 After class ,talk to your class in English as you can .课后,与你的同学们谈话尽量用英语。You can ask help for your teacher and class if you not uderstand.当你在不懂时可以向你的同学和老师寻求帮助。You should write dow grammer mistakes and write down the correct spelling or the grammer next to the mistakes.你应该记下你语法错误并且e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e78988e69d83333改正在错误的旁边。You should listen to the radio or read newspaper for your listening and seeing .你应该多听广播或是看报来帮助你的听力开拓你的视野。Try to remenber 1-5 words every day ,then you can lean English well day by day .尝试每天记1-5个单词,这样你的英语会一天天地学得很好。


例文2:English is an important language.Do you want to know how to learn English well? As a matter of fact,you can learn it well from following steps: Firstly,speaking English is the best way to learn English.You can speak as much as you can .Speak English with your classmates ,teachers ,even your parents.And you should speak English loudly.That will make you more confident. Secondly,to read some English magazines and novels which can help you improve English rapidly .And you can also write something in English.For example Enlish diary or compositions. Thirdly,to watch English movies or TV plays will give you a great fun.And you can also listen to some English music which will be helpful to your listening.That must be interesting .And you will enjoy it because it can make you relaxed. Fourthly,to discuss some difficult English questions and review the new words with your partner during your free time. At last ,I hope everyone can make friends with English and learn it well.Because it is really fun ! 英语是一门重要的语言.你想知道怎么才能把英语学好吗? 事实上,你可以按以下的步骤学好英语: 首先,学习英语的最好方法就是说英语.你可以尽可能地多说(英语),和你的同学、老师甚至是你的父母.你还应该把英语响亮地(大声地)说出来,那会使你(感到)更加自信. 第二(其次),看一些有助于你快速地提高英语的英语杂志和小说.你也可以用英语写点什么,比如说英语日记或者作文. 第三(再次),看一些英语电影或者电视剧,他们会给你带来很大的乐趣 你还可以听一些有益于(提高)听力的英语音乐.那一定会很有趣.而你会乐在其中,因为它会使你感到放松. 第四(最后),和你的伙伴(或者说是拍档,这里如果用伙伴的话最好是用复数形式)在空闲的时间里一起讨论困难的英语难题并且复习生词. 最后,我希望每个人都可以和英语做朋友并且把它学好.因为它实在是太有趣了!

How to learn English?
It’e5a48de588b67a64364s true that to learn English well is every English learner’s dream. How to learn English? You know “interest” is the key to study lessons well, so I’m sure you should be interested in English at the beginning. Of course, It’s very important also for each English learner to explore learning skills and efficient ways, because it can lead you to success in short term. In the end, I believe everybody who is good at his lessons has a basic method, that is to learn more, to listen to more, to read more, to think more and to write more and so on. In addition, I think makeing firends with foreingers is also a helpful way to learn English well. If you can do it so, you must to be a good English learner in the near future.


In China, there are millions of people learning English which is regarded as the most frequent use language in the world. Indeed, there are many English spoken countries and most of international organizations use English as the standard language. Therefore, it's important for us to learn English well if we want to be a global man. But many people claim that it's hard to learn English well and they do not know what to do when they come to difficulties。Today, I want to introduce some good ways for English learning.
Firstly, fall in love with English. There is a good saying that interest is the best teacher. As long as you love something, we would like to figure it out deeply. So does English. Once you development your interest in English, you definitely will want to learn it by heart no matter how many difficulties you meet. Your interest is the biggest motivation to learn, which will force you to find some effective ways to learn.
Secondly, make a good plan for your study and practice it strictly. Learning is a long and tough journey that needs patience as well as methods. A good plan is one of the most effective methods. Learning schedule, content, step, target and so on are included in a plan. Besides, you should pay attention to the mistakes you make. In your plan, you should set sometime aside to correct the mistakes you make and make sure that you would never make such mistakes again.
Finally, make good use of all materials you can get. Nowadays, there are plenty of materials for us to learn English, such as newspaper, magazine, radio, TV, the internet and many other media. They contain almost all information in the world. We can get news as well as knowledge when we use them. Besides, the knowledge we get in the class is far more enough, so that it's necessary for us to broaden our knowledge after class by using various learning materials.



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