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公司去旅游的通知 英语作文




Dear schoolmates,636f70797a686964616f337

According to the school arrangements, all the schoolmates in our school regardless of male or female will tour the Greet Wall tomorrow,ie,on Saturday, 7th of March. All the expenditures involved in the tour will be paid by the school authorities except food and drinks. The coaches will leave our school at 8:00 am on that date. All the schoolmates going to visit the Great Wall should line up in front of the school gate before 7:50 am. The coaches will not be waiting for you if you are late. Please arrive at the school in time.

The company tour will be delayed or cancelled.
If plan changes, the company will send out new notifications, till then everyone please get ready.

After the midieerm examination ended. the school organized everyone to play in ChangLong happy land. The active time decides in December 15 Sunday 8 o"clock in school gate. the teacher and students are take park in the travelling. Dont forget to take the water and food. We should better take to bring with the camera. because you may visit anywhere and take photos. I hope that we can enjoy the trip.




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