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Wang Tao is a middle school student. Here is his lessons' schedule one

week. Of course, we know that there are 5 days in one week.

He has five math and Chinese lessons . And threr are four English

lessons in one week except on Monday. He has two PE on Wednesday and

Friday . And he has two history lessons on Tuesday and Friday. Wang

Tao has only one biology on Thurday and music on Monday.

How many lessons does he have one week at last ? I think you know.

Six years, I have from an ignorant child becomes a teenager, which is six years, has been a holiday in elementary school, so reincarnation spent the past six years to learn a lot of things, experience a lot of things, there are so many students to accompany me through six years.
There are six months after the completion of the opening, the end of four months, it is necessary to enter the tight entrance exam. You should leave a lot of my friends and classmates. Put a two-month leave to continue to test the placement test, which six have happy things, sad things there, I remember when entered primary school, I was tall so short, so shy, but now, I grow into such a high , and become a generous boy up. This is the last primary school vacation, I cherish, I suddenly feel that time flies so fast, instant six years later. Might say that these too early, but did not leave the next time to say, this is my truth ah!e799bee5baa6e78988e69d83337 Sixth grade last semester, I have no effort, but this time to their studies, ah, this is not a joke, the reality is very cruel, this world is now Tsinghua University, Beijing university students a fishing a lot, trying to learn has become the most basic part in this year without a college degree, even a security guard also when not on, those white-collar elite, may need to learn something and their wisdom to gain a foothold in the community. China's housing prices more expensive now dead, a 80-square-meter house will millions, maybe I am too early to say that these early, but they are not ironclad facts contention of ah. I do not want to do more than a decade after the. Talk about the immediate, I live in a remote small place, the quality of teaching Good Poor Good Poor, future goals far, far away, the hearts of Hao Fan Hao Fan. Studies really complicated, if you do studies did not test well, which classes are reluctant to you. University entrance exam - the only way out, but also pull what stars, the biggest names in ah, that are one hundred million one-thing. Alas, all trying to learn it!
Studies, I have to test well, must work hard to learn!
Dear Rose,
I am writing to invite you to the park this weekend.
City Centre opened a new park a few days ago,I heard there's alot of fun. And the ticket is not expensive.Adult $20,child $10.Bring your student ID ,we just need to pay $10.I wish we could go
to play this weekend.I look forward to your reply.




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