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Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly: You use much too much salt on your food, Paul — it’s not good for you!”e68a847a64366 Paul put down his knife and frowned:”Why on earth not! If you didn’t have salt on your food it would taste awful„ like eating cardboard or sand„ just imagine bread without salt in it, or potatoes or pasta cooked without salt!” Kate was patient. She didn’t want to quarrel with Paul. She wanted to persuade him. She said firmly:”But too much salt is bad for you. It cause high blood pressure and latter on, heart-attacks. It also disguises the taste of food, the real tastes which are much more subtle than salt, and which we have lost the sensitivity to appreciate any more.”

Why do some animals die out?
In the past two hundred years people have caused many kinds of animals to die out--to become extinct.People keep building houses and factories in fields and woods.As they spread over the land,they destroy animals'homes.If the animals can't find a place to live,they die out.Sixteen kinds of Hawaiian birds have become extinct for this reason.Other animals,such as the Florida Key deer,may soon die out because they are losing their homes.Hunters have caused some animals to become extinct,too.In the last century,hunters killed all the passenger pigeons in North America and most of the buffalos.
Today they are fast killing off hawks and wolves.Pollution is killing many animals today,too.As rivers become polluted,fish are poisoned.Many die.Birds that eat the poisoned fish can't lay strong,healthy eggs.New birds aren’t born.So far,no animals have become extinct because of pollution.But some,such as the bald eagle and the brown pelican,have become rare and may die out.
Scientists think that some animals become extinct because of changes in climate.The places where they live become hotter or cooler,drier or wetter.The food that they eat cannot grow there any more.If the animals can't learn to eat something else,they die.Dinosaurs may have died out for this reason.
In the past two hundred years,many kinds of animals have died out.There are several reasons for it.First,people keep building houses and factories in fields and woods,which destroys animals'homes.Then,hunters'killing has also caused some animals to become extinct.Besides,some animals aren't able to bear strong offspring and nor do they have enough food to eat because of pollution and climatic changes.

Some people prefer to work for a large company while others prefer to work
for a small company. What is your view?


Choose a Big Company

Whether a small or a big company is better should be judged on a case-to-case
basis. Generally speaking, I would like to take up a job in a big company.

To begin with, big corporations are more reputable and prestigious than small
ones. Therefore, it is easier to acquire a credible recommendation letter if one
ever decides to seek other employment and get on the career ladder. In addition,
big companies often provide satisfactory welfare benefits along with other perks
whereas small enterprises may not always duly value their employees.
Furthermore, the in-house training operated by big corporations benefits
students not for the current job but also has a longlasting impact on their
future career. In addition, renowned companies, especially international ones,
are more likely to offer employees the opportunity to work in different places.
Also, the options presented by small enterprises are often quite limited. Last
but not least, small companies usually lack an efficient infrastructure and this
may create many obstacles for new graduates who are not well experienced. Also,
their brand value can hardly compete with well-known big companies.

In summary, albeit that the competition is irrefutably fiercer for the
positions offered by big companies, the aforementioned merits render a big
company a better choice.(208 words)

My former teacher, who had taught me English for six years, is a woman in her sixties. I describe her as a "woman" at her age because in my mind's eye, she never loses her attraction in fashions, light cosmetics, and particularly, her skills scarves whether it is in summer or winter. I still remember the first day when I met her in junior high school, she showed me around the new campus and my nervousness melted gradually in her unassuming manner, something resembling my grandma's, and something more beyond the average older person's.

She was born in Hong Kong and after her Westernized education, she became a journalist. Owing to this special profession, she could come to China freely, there in Beijing, she met a young engineer who later on won her heart and married her. Then she stayed, serving as a faculty member in Beijing Foreign language Institution. Maybe she was destined to enjoy mo tranquility, for everything changed almost in a day's time. Because of the unprecedented culture revolution, she and her husband, they two intellectuals were sent to a small town - though it becomes my hometown - and it was they who, dedicated themselves to the so-called city construction. She swept the streets, plants trees, and did all kinds of labor but return to school. As to that period of time, she just sighed a simple reply "the past has passed, I have not, and will still not regret my decision to stay." But more and less, her wrinkled serious face revealed her untold stories and endurance. Teacher that she is, she's well-known for drawing cartoon pictures. Dull texts were changed into impressive clues and knowledge that most interested us. Often it was up to us to stand on the rostrum, expressing whatever we had to say in English. She would rather be an audience sitting among us, and of course, a stern critic as well.

She set up her own image to teach us knowledge, and also, a sense of responsibility. During one winter vacation, she volunteered to assist us in preparing the provincial English contest. I clearly remember a day just before the New Year's Eve, when she appeared a little bit late like a snowman in the classroom, the whole noisy class fell into silence. It was snowing hard outside, yet the inside warmth encouraged us to work even harder.

Ever year groups of students said good-bye to her on their way to college. Luckily I was one of her last students as now she has got retired. It seemed to be arranged that we went to see her during every vacation. How I wish to listen to her again, sharing her fresh ideas about the national affairs, about the campus, about each of her Christmas Days in Hong Kong. She's still young and talkative, as IN the days in her teaching career.

Bad news came that her husband died of cancer this summer before I went back. How could she endure such misfortune? How could she kill her loneliness? I wondered on the upstairs to visit her when I heard that piece of familiar piano music. The tone sounded so elegant that it reminded me of the player at once - it must be my dear teacher!e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb9331

Now she's living alone as her two daughters live abroad. "You see the walls of original novels? I bought them at your age but not until now could I have enough time to red. And my favorite piano, the birthday present sent by my husband, will keep me company." With these words about her leisure, she sat down by the piano again.

I was deeply engrossed in her playing, through which I knew her further, a devoted teacher WHO seeks neither fame nor gain, and a splendid character who has undergone a lifetime of ups and downs.


  • summary怎么写?

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 1、细读原文。首先要仔细阅读全篇作品,然后对作品进行整体分析,掌握原文总的意思和结构,明确全文的主题(the maintheme)和各段的段落大意(the main idea)。2、弄清要求。搞清楚是
  • “summary”怎么写?

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 分段吧来。我们教授叫我们写summary的时候,释然我们分段写的。先重源复一下,或者paraphrase一下你的thesis statement.然后,分点写每一个supporting idea最后再zhidao总结!summary英 [sm()r] 美
  • 论文中的Summary该怎么写?

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 1)划分结构并征服。 首先,略读这篇你将进行Summary的文章,并且将这篇文章分为几个小的部分。 根据小标题和副标题来划分。 并且看下生僻的标题,在读之前确保可以理解它们。2)


“summary”怎么写? 英语summary怎么写? 怎么写summary Summary怎么写?有哪些格式要求? 关于家乡甘南清明节习俗的作文600字 写清明节作文,600字,写去家乡扫墓 清明节的习俗作文500-600字 清明节习俗作文600 文明礼仪伴我行征文,450字以上,偶小学四年级作文较好简单一... 小学200字文明礼仪伴我行征文 文明礼仪伴我行征文 我满意的给100分啊 文明礼仪伴我行征文 《猫和老鼠的对话》寓言故事 猫和老鼠故事 猫和老鼠的自编寓言故事 猫和老鼠的自编寓言故事寓意 英语短文summary怎么写 英文写作中的summary应该怎么写?有范文可以参考吗? 英语Summary怎么写 暑假趣事作文500字記敘文 作文暑假趣事作文500字! 初中作文署假趣事10篇各500字 假期趣事作文500字 关于读书的作文800字 关于读书的作文600字 以读书为话题作文400 我与读书 作文 关于狐狸的童话故事 关于狐狸狡猾的童话故事有哪些 关于狐狸的故事会100字 有关 狐狸的寓言故事,不要常见的 谁知道科研成果论文怎么写,给个提纲,急求!!!!!!!!!!... 科研立项的结题论文怎么写?说说提纲就行 科研成果包括哪些内容 科研成果论文怎么写,给个提纲 GRE作文一般在多少字左右 GRE作文写多少字能上3分?字数的多少会对分数有影响吗? GRE 作文多少分够用 gre写作一般多少分 关于人生迷惘时的选择的作文800字 艰难的选择作文800字 以不同的选择 不同的人生为题.800字作文 关于人生的作文800字 熟能生巧 成语故事图 熟能生巧的成语故事有哪些? 熟能生巧的故事 儿童成语故事 熟能生巧+成语故事 求帮写下简历里自我评价, 本人比较内向,不爱说话 性格内向者自我评价怎么写? 性格内向的人在简历中应该怎么介绍自己? 我性格内向个人简历怎么写? 端午节为什么喝雄黄酒五十字 端午节为什么喝雄黄酒
