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题目:Some people claim that the increasingly frequent business and cultural communications are positive whereas others hold a different opinion. Discuss.
范文:Although a slight mention of the past pastoral life arouses a nostalgia and reminiscent beauty, which is unexceptionally characterized by isolation and somewhat disconsolation, various and frequent communications in business, education, scientific research, and even the daily life are flooding the existent values, ideas, and ideals. Inevitably, this social phenomenon provokes a storm of commendation and criticism as well.
Frequent communications in various fields among cultures and people undoubtedly benefit individuals’ life. Almost every citizen becomes the beneficiary of the communications. People around the world today are able to enjoy otherwise unavailable products and services. For instance, it is due to the international communication in business that people in China can such high quality products as Mercedes Benz from Germany, Titoni watch from Switzerland, and IBM computers. All these cases demonstrate one thing: communications contribute human beings.
Not only are diverse array of communications in the international spectrum positive to individuals, they also have been exerting significant favorable influences on family life. It was virtually incredible to imagine an international family five decades ago, but today on account of the rapid development of communications and transportations, religion and racial discriminations have almost entirely “gone with the wind”. It is no longer an “abnormal” thing that a Chinese husband with a Japanese wife. Such international family, as scientific research warrants, is a welcome development in terms of both biological and political elements.
In fact, the advantages of communications are also shaping and reflecting the general human civilization development. If God, as Bible says, created different languages among men, then men all over the world today are able to work together, pray together, and struggle for freedom together. The communications are actually a process of globalization. This is the trend of sustainable development. With communications, people become brothers and sisters rather than enemies. With communications, there will be peace rather than war. With communications, the mundane mortals will eventually retrieve the paradise that our forefathers lost and get renascence.
Admittedly, the communications might have some negative influences. But the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, the communications should be advocated and encouraged with the utmost enthusiasm.

Advertisements, as an unavoidablecomponent of daily lives, are widely acceptedreluctantly by an increasing number of people. Some consumers believe that advertising onlypromotes the sales of products but not the quality, however, I personally disagree with thisviewpoint.
Advertisements, such as television commercials and flyers are well defined advertisingmethods to the public. Undoubtedly, the main purpose is to pursue the increased sales ofgoods in order to achieve financial profit. For example, KFC is advertising that it cooks the bestchicken in the world to persuade more people to buy its fast food and Toyota has also doubledits sale of cars by increasing the investment in advertising through various types of media. Bothof these examples seem to demonstrate that advertising only improves the quantity of salesto drive up economical benefits.
Nevertheless, when one genuinely looks into the contents of these advertisements, theirproducts are essentially improving in terms of performance and quality. Using these twoexamples again for instance, the taste of KFC chicken is from good to irresistible andmeanwhile, GPS, ABS brakes , airbag safety systems and even key-less start ignition, are alltypes of new inventions that have been adapted by Toyota to deliver a safer and morecomfortable car.
In order to show their attractions in advertisements, they are required to provide betterquality and service as advertisements are considered as a promise that sellers have made tothe public. To be a responsible and moral corporation, they have to fulfill what they promisedin advertising.
To sum up, advertising not only increases sales, but more importantly, as a moralcommitment from the seller, it improves the performance and quality as well.
Although lectures are normally used to teach students knowledge, there has been an argument that students no longer need to attend lectures, due to the development of technology. Personally, I think that lectures deserve a place in the education system.
Instead of attending lectures, people can depend on computers and the internet to improve learning outcomes. One benefit of using social networking websites is that they can keep the pace of learning by themselves and manage to make the most of time and resources. This educational model is important especially for those people who have work commitments. They are likely to outperform in the related area easier.
Another approach to replace lectures is to register for online courses, and this can help people pursue a higher educational qualifications. Online courses provide people with opportunities to gain access to knowledge without paying educational expenses. In this way, they are more likely to pursue a university degree, especially for those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
On the other hand, attending lectures plays an inevitably role in preparing people for their future career. It offers an environment where students are encouraged to communicate with each other and build up a network of contacts, which is beneficial to improving their interpersonal skills. This can help them make a transition to the workplace.
To summarise, I believe that attending lectures remains the most important way for students to acquire new knowledge and achieve good performance, although technology and the internet are likely to make learning more easily.

The sweeping tempo of techology and science change our lifestyles and the way we think.the methods of teaching is inevitably,though not extremely advanced,alterring,which irrevocably rise a delimma whether the justifaction of lecture that utilized as an out-dated approach will exist or not. I will display the positive and the negative as a whole

The morden availability of teaching gradually capture the students’7a64e58685e5aeb9331 mind,which is because of the obsessive access and the enlarged facilities. It spreads widely and somehow is accepted in certain zones . For instant,the most prevailing is the Tele-education that generally assist the governments to curtain the resource ,render more opportunities and even supply a platform in which various cultures could be exchanged if possible.despite that ,these entail the individuals’ self-discinple and the eager to learn for there remains lots of detailed and practically dowmsides.

On second thoughts,lecture is shared as a mainstream and thereby ragarded as a typical avenue.Not only it provides students the opportunities to have face to face communication ,but also is indispensable for interpersonal skills,which in my angle is foremost,though the pressure between them is gained.It is universally known that teachers act as sophisticated master to cultivate and in it form the methodology that courts.furthermore, they lit up the beacon of the thirsty of pursuit to unknown world.in another way,spiritual friends they are.given a compasible atmosphere,your spectrum is widen and horizon is broaden.critically, it makes students more sustainable and enduring.

To sum up,the first nut to crack is the focus on the atitude towards the ever-increasing ways,rather than the fair justifaction of lecture.what is worth mentioning but neglected is the fact that the lecture still take up the predominance.雅思备考




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