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Basic skills
English level: General
Mandarin level: good
Computer level: familiar with AUTOCAD, PRO / E, such as mapping software, information technology through the National Computer Application Technology of Electrical and Mechanical Design Engineer Qualification (PRO / E mechanical design) examination;
Familiar with Windows, able to skillfully use the Word, PowerPoint and other Office software;
Familiar with Internet applications, understanding of e-commerce, to effectively use the Internet resources

Trunk study courses
Engineering Mechanics, basic mechanical design, electrical and electronic technology, principle and application of micro-computer, mechanical engineering materials, manufacturing technology foundation, mechanical CAD / CAM, Mechatronics design, College English, business management, etc.

Personal strengths
Active thinking, strong sense of innovation; easy to get along with, easy to be accepted;
Common sense and practical perspective, organizations have always been able to preserve the values and principles;
Solid professional knowledge, analytical decision-making, management capacity and ability to accept new things;
Good at analysis and dialectical thinking, a strong organization and coordination capacity;

Social practice, received awards and representation
Social practice: in 2007 June-July China重汽集团Hangzhou Engine Co., Ltd.
2007 June-July in Hangzhou Gas Turbine Co., Ltd.
2007 July-August Wuyi County, Jinhua City in Zhejiang Province on the Pan Village
2008 June-July China First Tractor Group Co., Ltd.
Received :2005-2006 Award by the College of Engineering, Zhejiang Forestry College at Youth League "Outstanding Director" the honorary title
2006-2007 by the Zhejiang Forestry College "advanced society the individual," the honorary title
2006-2007 by the College of Engineering, Zhejiang Forestry College at outstanding member of Communist Youth League
2006-2007 by the College of Engineering, Zhejiang Forestry College "迎评advanced individuals," the honorary title
2006-2007 Zhejiang Forestry College was the second apartment Cultural Festival, "the work of individuals," the honorary title
2007 by the Zhejiang Forestry College Students Summer social practice activities "advanced individuals," the honorary title
Overview office :2005-2006 Zhejiang Forestry College as the College of Engineering at the Department of Youth Living Director
2006-2007 served as College of Engineering, Zhejiang Forestry College Living at Youth Minister
2006-2007 as the Zhejiang Forestry College students will be members of Cooperative Living
2006-2007 as the Zhejiang Forestry College Astronomical Association
2006-2008 Zhejiang Forestry College as consumer rights monitors
2007 - So far as the College of Engineering, Zhejiang Forestry College propaganda machine design 051 members

Personal evaluation
Great importance to relations with others, easy to detect the needs of others and sensitive to the actual care to others, treat people sincerely, understanding and have a strong sense of responsibility;
Study on the hard work the courage to endure hardship, the people stick to their principles, dealing with adaptable;
Work initiative, strong-minded and have their own high expectations, major Board, not greedy of small profits, and less emotional
Believe in working in a traditional, stable organization has its own advantages and strengths.

1. 勇于表现个人风格,不要拘泥形式
  英文简历没有所谓的固e69da5e887aae79fa5e98193365定形式,必须衡量自身以及职务需求,打造最能凸显优势的内容呈现方式,并且格式要自行设计。往往履历本身的整体独创性也会是列入评分的项目之一。以所附的模板为例,有时候可能不一定要写出“professional Qualities”(技能以及专长)这个项目,或甚至“Summary”(经历概要)来加以代替,这些都完全取决于自己的弹性。
  2. 文章以条列编排为最高原则
Name:Linwang English name:XXX
E-mail: telephone :
Subject:To obtain a challenging position as an secretary in abc company
Education: Dongfang Colleage xxxx-xxxx(年月)
Main course:(主要课程)
Language skills:(语言技巧)zhidao:
Computer skills::(电脑技巧)
然后就写你的experience:have got a part-time job as secretary in DDF company.. Familiar with :Microsoft Office .....
我们外教说过 你的简历最好就是一页纸 应为通常只看一页 要集中写你的技巧的经验..要详细的描述你的能力还有经

1、Chinese Name:linyuan,中文名称:林园

2、English Name: Eddy Zhang,英文名:eddy zhang。

3、Sex: FEMale,性别:女。

4、Born: 6/12/86,出生:6 / 12 / 86。

5、University: zhongshan University,大学:中山大学。

6、86Major: Marketing,专业市场营销。

7、Address: 388#, zhongshan University,地址:388 #,中山大学

8、Telephone: 1368****451,地址:388 #,中山大学


10、Job Objective:工作目标:

11、A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing.在消费者事务或市场营销领域中提供挑战和责任的职位。

2000-2004 Bejing University, College Of Commerce,2000-2004年北京大学商学院,Graduating in July with a B. S. degree in Marketing.七月毕e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193338业,市场营销学学士学位。
Fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics,calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies.



  • 个人英文简历怎么写?(具体)

  • 158文章网范文示例
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