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Dear Mr.( Right) (名字或者职位e69da5e887aae79fa5e98193331)
Thank you very much for offering me the position of (职位).
While I believe firmly in the mission of your organization and appreciate the challenging opportunity you offer, I have had another offer which I believe more closely matches my current career goals and interests. Therefore, although it was a difficult decision, I must decline your offer.
I do appreciate all the courtesy and hospitality extended to me by your office, and I wish you well in your endeavors.
Again, thank you for your consideration.
All the very best.


To JA (agencies)
The absence from activities of workshop for successful skills on January 16

I am XX from Grade 4, XXX middle school. I am really regret for not attending activities of workshop for successful skills on January 16 after signing up, which might waste the human resources of your institution, and miss a good chance to enrich myself. I am so regret that I am writing to apologize to your institution. I sincerely hope that I can still participate other activities held by your institution in the future, and that my slip won't have any bad impact on other students's participation. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
All the best,
XXX from XX middle school,

January 16, 2010
A Letter of Apology
Dear Boss Wang,
How are you ? I am sorry to tell you I have urgent things to deal with now, and I am afraid not to attend the today's meeting on time . I am here to appologize and hope to make a date with you . Would you please tell me what is your schedule to meet?
Thanks very much in advance and looking forward to your prompt reply.
Best regards,
Zhang .

XXXXX, I'm truly sorry that I have upset you. I realize I've probably taken too long to write all this, and I really can't even remember why we were fighting, but I'd love to fix it. I know you probably don't want to see or hear from me, but I had to take the time to be sure that you know how sorry I am. I need to know where you stand. Do you think this is worth fixing? I will do anything and everything to compensate for what I've done, as long as you will let me. You don't HAVE to forgive me, and you don't HAVE to be friends with me again. I just needed to give this one more shot. Just to make sure I didn't leave behind a friendship that could have easily been fixed. I love you more than all the chocolate in the world. Always know that. :) -Lauren. 追问: 太长了……除以3还差不多…… 回答: 那你直接给那个女生唱首《sorry sorry》把 (─.─||| 追问: 歌词似乎可以…可是我不会韩文呃,而且等我学会用 罗马音 那家伙早走了…… 回答: dance dance dance dance 哦噢哦噢 哦噢哦噢 哦噢哦噢哦噢哦 Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry 乃噶 乃噶 乃噶 梦中7a686964616fe58685e5aeb9361 乃个 乃个 乃个 八中 八中 八中 爆料 baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty 努力 不笑 不笑 不笑 苏米 吗抗 吗抗 吗抗 乃噶 米敲 米敲 baby 巴拉 波怒 奴婢 树根 奴婢 树根 那轮 马清 那轮 马清 麽诶 霍琳 闹 #¥%……& 嘎纳哦嫩 那英 目生 那英 目生 那轮 马清 乃 心脏那 摆坡 往哪趴 @¥%……& 奥迪 嘎纳 当当 哈给 哼呢 哪呢 麦冷恰 恰看 油价 一色 给冷 新歌飚冷 包飘桥 多 多哈 给 卡其 吗给 强们 哪呢 杭桑钱儿 多 利克 素 吼涩慢狗 乃个 八中 飚留守 *Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry 乃噶 乃噶 乃噶 梦中 乃个 乃个 乃个 八中 八中 八中 爆料 baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty 努力 不笑 不笑 不笑 苏米 吗抗 吗抗 吗抗 乃噶 米敲 米敲 baby 蛋蛋 蛋大大 哒 打啦蛋 蛋蛋 蛋大大 哒 乃个@#…… baby 蛋蛋 蛋大大 哒 打啦蛋 蛋蛋 蛋大大 哒 打啦啪啪啦 Hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl i I轮 馒头 秒 你心嘎 家那噶那撒 西那 好慢bou 噶按bou油 马累 吧 唉那没噶 马累就 加拉 加拉奴级 马累就 那个吗内疚 哪呢 八波 八波 八波 八波 就不撒run 布鲁嘛噶 乃噶 落幕 夹顾找 一色 桑哥 库鲁 撒run 奥迪 韩都 里买狗 古怪 摸啦 哭NO 摸啦 西级汗秒 汗怒骂 乃噶 比楼 啪嗒米够 哭的滴利 级闹秒 *Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry 乃噶 乃噶 乃噶 梦中 乃个 乃个 乃个 八中 八中 八中 爆料 baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty 努力 不笑 不笑 不笑 苏米 吗抗 吗抗 吗抗 乃噶 米敲 米敲 baby 蛋蛋 蛋大大 哒 打啦蛋 蛋蛋 蛋大大 哒 乃个@#¥%…… baby 蛋蛋 蛋大大 哒 打啦啦啦 蛋蛋 蛋大大 哒 打啦啪啪啦 Let's dance dance dance dance Let's dance dance dance dance Let's dance dance dance dance dance dance Hey 一个 顾漫 乃个哇就瑞 就慢米尺 搞满 嘎他 yeah 男 那嘛 撒狼哈狗 西坡 这呗 大喜 韩仑 奴爬森干 固守 hey hey hey 阿诶你拉给博达 亲故 大土乃噶 乃噶 西口 闹润 猫蹲 狗咪嗖婆 函给感激 汗狗爬 大喜 肉酥 妈吞妈吞 闹润 脑木 撒浪耶 乃噶 怕人 萨兰 你摘 八 肉狗 that that that girl *Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry 乃噶 乃噶 乃噶 梦中 乃个 乃个 乃个 八中 八中 八中 爆料 baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty 努力 不笑 不笑 不笑 苏米 吗抗 吗抗 吗抗 乃噶 米敲 米敲 baby dance dance dance dance 哦噢哦噢 哦噢哦噢 哦噢哦噢哦噢哦 追问: 彻底无语……


  • 求一篇英文道歉信

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • Dear Mr.( Right) (名字或者职位e69da5e887aae79fa5e98193331)Thank you very much for offering me the position of (职位). While I believe firmly in the mission of


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