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To Mr/Ms/Mrs/Professor
I want to sincerely apologize for playing games in my electronic dictionary during Wednesday's class. More importantly, I really want to apologize for pointing finger at you when you said you could only give my electronic dictionary back the next day. After this, I realized how impuslive I was, I should not do things like playing games during class, and especially, pointing finger at someone that I should respect. Please forgive me for what I have done and I promise I will never do things like this again.



Mr. /Mrs./Ms. XXX(如果是跟你有比较copy亲近的关系可以用Dear,不过那么亲近的人也不用写道歉信了吧= =)
I am sorry for.......because ..... (说上2、3句就行,然后可以扯上相关的其它内容)




Dear Mr. Patrick,

I am writing to beg for your kind forgiveness for my stupid and rude action on the other day. I know my action is not excusable, but I still want to extend my most sincere apology because I repent having offended you. Moreover, I realize I did not perform my job to your expectation and there are no excuses for it; I really hope that Sir can allow me a chance to redeem myself. After all, I have been with the company for ____months now, and I really feel attached, besides, I have already acquired so much from the training provided by the company, and it will really be sad for me if I can’t continue to apply it to my contribution to the company.
Everybody in the company knows that Sir is kind-hearted man although you may appear otherwise on the outside. So, I sincerely beg you sir,please give me another chance to prove myself; I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Thank you for your attention!




  • 英语道歉信

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • To Mr/Ms/Mrs/Professor I want to sincerely apologize for playing games in my electronic dictionary during Wednesdays class. More importantly, I really
  • 高中英语道歉信作文

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • Hello, Jean !e799bee5baa6e78988e69d83330 I am writing to say sorry to you for quarrelling with you the other day. I have know that you lost my book by
  • 英文道歉信

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • Dear XX, Good day to you! We checked with EMS, they told us generally need taking three months to post documents to your adress. So we are apologiz


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