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when i got up this morning ,i felt very sad.i know the reason and it's my fault.
i arrived home very late last night .my parents were so worried about me and asked me why i came back so late .i said nothing but quarreled with them .so i want to say sorry to them and i love you so much .i really didn't want to make you angry.so please forgive me .

Dear teacher xxx,
I do apologize having a bad result in my exams. I don't know why I did so bad. I'm sorry that I didn't achieve what you expected.
Actually, I do focus on your lesson. I just couldn't do my homework properly as something I was thinking rather than questions in my homework. One thing I'd like to disclose to you but you must keep by yourself. I don't know why Mark always appears in my mind, the boy who seats at the front of my desk, and fancied by girls in our class. I think that is the reason I made bad results in my exams. it's better to move his seat to my back desk. I believe I can do better in the next exams if you can do me a favor in this way.
Best wishes,
Your student xxx.



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