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My name is Li Zhiming,I'm 20 years old , and graduated from Guangzhou finance occupation school, my major is the financial affairs. In the past 2 years , I worked as a customer service, sales, insurance and so on, I hope to get more learning opportunities to enrich my experience.

Hello interviewer, I am very pleased to participate in this interview, my administration is a professional, my English is not very good, only the four, but I never give up efforts to study and are actively preparing for six Test!e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94338 Proficiency in the use of computers, office software proficiency.

My biggest advantage is that there is a sense of responsibility, there is a positive, solely the good state of mind. I chose here because I think I can Serveone company to provide a more challenging work and better opportunities for development.

It is often said that a special team spirit of solidarity, in particular, cohesive, what is? Means every player in the game rather than for their own goals, everything is done by the team to victory.

I believe that my continued efforts, will soon be integrated into the company, and it will be a good staff, I believe that all of us unite under the collaboration, Serveone better tomorrow! Thanks!




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