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I really had a busy and happy weekend. On Saturday morning, I got up early. My parents and I visited the park a bit far from our home...

One day at noon, Xiao Ming and leisurely went to Central Park to play. On the road, Bob met Ye Ziming, Xiao Ming and his say hello, he ran away, Xiao Ming saw him and ran to the railing there. Once there, he stretched his hands, like a monkey grabbed the railing, climbed the railing leap up. So he climbed up to the time, remembered the teacher said Xiao Ming can not climb the railing. Xiao Ming hastily called: "Son Ming, can not climb, can not climb, if fell off badly beaten and how do ah provisions schools, can not climb the railing, you do so, it will be penalized for?." He dubious to say: "really? I do not know how." Then he climbed down, and their friends went to play. After that, Xiao Ming and leisurely have told the Chan teacher, went out to play.

The school is our paradise, is everybody places of learning, early in the morningto hear the alarm, I was unable to hold oneself back to immediately to our schoolinto the classroom to start, colorful day.
In the morning of Chinese maths lesson, I look forward to most is of course - the school you!e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94336 Who said the class will only play? It is the best time, let the mindmood adjustment, I like lying in the window, he closed eyes, listen to all the school sound, for example: the teacher's curses, students scream, and the chirping of the birds, insects and other... Sometimes I will use my window of the soul, to observe the surrounding scenery, will find that our school beauty!
After a morning of suffering, my belly rings hunger symphony, finally can be put into the arms of the nutritional lunch! Color, flavor and taste of the meat, so that Ieat, I had to throw them away, well - delicious food makes me Liuxiang cheek teeth and memorable. In order to reserve the afternoon nap is of courseindispensable strength, ah! The entire campus is finally quiet down, everyoneimmersed in the dream! Hush ~ ~.
Finally to the class the long-awaited sports class, the teacher took us to the playground happily to warm up and running, and then we started the most exciting moment, dodge ball, girls scream continuously, make originally quiet playground, into a scream of the haunted house.
Time is like water, the school bell rings, and I followed the team out of thecampus, after a wonderful day school life.




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