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Dear [Wang Hua]:
I’ll be delighted to come to your luncheon on [Tuesday, April the sixth], at [on] o’clock.
[Bob] has often spoken me of [Wang Hui], and has told me how very much he enjoys having him for a [roommate /teammate]. Although I have never met [Wang Hui], I know him from hearing so much about him.
I assure you it will be a very great pleasure indeed to meet [Wang Hui’s mother]! Thank you so much for asking me.
Truly Yours


The European Chamber and Amcham-China jointly present

SME Summer Outdoor Wine Tasting Evening

6:30 - 8.30pm, Thursday June 10th
1949 the Hidden City, Patio

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and AmCham-China invite you to an inter-chamber networking evening for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Held on the patio overlooking the luxurious 1949 complex, this evening of fine wine tasting is sure to kick-start your summer calendar.

Indulge in your passion for the noble grape this month with free flow of wines from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Spain and a selection of canapes.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to extend your professional network, exchange information, and talk business in a relaxed, informal atmosphere.


Patio, 1949 - The Hidden City
Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu Sanlitun
(opposite to the South Gate of the Pacific Century Place)
Attached to 1/5 Taverna
Tel: 133-1126-1949, 6501-1949


Members: RMB 150
Non Member: RMB 250

To register for this event, please click on the registration button or email Tanja Liang at .
dear**, Thank you for inviting us to your company party( 填写日copy期,如on monday).I wish I could be there,but I regret to inform you that owing to (写不能参加的理由,如being away on vacation),we shall not be able to come. Sincerely yours, *******

Dinner Party Invitation Letter




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