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R:Good morning, sir .can I help you? 早上好先生,有什么可以帮到您? G:Morning .l would like to check out. 早上好,我想办理退房。
R:Certainly. Can I have your name and room number? 好的!您可以告诉我您的名字和房间号码吗? G:Thomas Dickson in Room 1218 托马斯.迪克逊 房间号码是1218.
R: A double room for two nights at 800RMB per/night, the meals that you had at the hotel are
250RMB….Here is your bill please check it.
G: Sorry, l am not clear about this item. 不好意思,我对这项消费表示不理解。
R: Oh. This is for the phone calls you made from your room. 这是您从房间内拨打的电话账单。 G: But I didn’t make any calls. 但是我并没有拨打任何电话。
R: Oh, just a moment. l’ll check it . l’m terribly sorry sir .we made a mistake.we will deduct it
from you bill right away.
请您稍等一下我查一下。非常抱歉,是我们的失误,我立即从账单中扣除此项收费。 G: It seems correct now .Can I pay by credit card? 现在看起来账单是正确的了。
R : Yes, Sir. We will cancel your pre-authorization and charge your bill by Credit Card. 好的,先生。我们将会取消您之前刷的预授权再重新收取您的费用。 G: Yes. 好的
R : Have a nice day! We hope to see you again!

酒店入住与退房e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e362 英语对话
Man: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight, and I just want to check in.

Hotel Clerk: Sure. What's your name?

Man: Uh. Mike Adams.

Hotel Clerk: Okay. Let me check here. Um. Here's your key to open your door. You're in room 360. Just walk down this hall [Okay.], and you'll see the elevators on your right.

Man: Oh, okay, and what time is the restaurant open for breakfast?

Hotel Clerk: It serves breakfast from 6:30-10 a.m.

Man: Oh, okay. And, uh, where's the exercise room? I'd like to, you know, run a couple of miles before going to bed tonight.

Hotel Clerk: It's on the second floor, and it's open til 10 tonight [Okay.], but the treadmill isn't working.

Man: Oh, oh well. And one final question. Do you have wireless Internet in the rooms?

Hotel Clerk: We DO [Ah!]. . . for $7.95 a night.

Man: Uhhh, I thought something like that would be free.

Hotel Clerk: No, sorry, sir but you can get free wireless access if you sit in the parking lot on the far north side. [Oh!] You see, the hotel next to us has wireless and . . . .

Man: Oh, great. Um, and uh . . . forget that. And every room has a refrigerator, right?

Hotel Clerk: Well, we can have one put in your room for an additional ten dollars a night.

Man: Ahhhh. I thought something like that would be included in the price of the room.

Hotel Clerk: Sorry, sir.

Man: Well, you know, it . . . it kind of irks me it when hotels nickel-and-dime their customers like this. I mean, I checked with sev(eral hotels) . . . I mean I checked with sev(eral hotels) . . .

Hotel Clerk: You really should have checked this one too, shouldn't you have, buddy.

Man: (Laughing) I . . . I guest that I . . . I'm all flustered now. I mean all the other hotels provide these amenities for free.

Hotel Clerk: Sorry, sir. It's just the way it is at this hotel.

Man: And the bed? Is that extra too?

Hotel Clerk: Of course . . . NOT.

Man: Oh. I've had it. I'll just try the hotel across the street. I'm sure they'll give me better service.

Hotel Clerk: Okay, but you'd be canceling your reservation here, so we'll have to charge you a cancellation fee of 50% of the cost of the room.

Man: Ahhhh, forget it. I can't win either way. What's my room again?

Hotel Clerk: Three sixty (360).

Man: Ughhhhhh!!!



预收的押金以何种方式支付 现金或信用卡

请留电话 有贵重物品前台可以免费寄存

凭房卡可以免费享用早餐 早餐时间地点 还可以免费使用游泳池和健身房 及退房时间


指示电梯方向 祝客人住店愉快

What is the price of today's house prices after the break?

To produce an identity card

Do you need a smoke-free floor?

How does the deposit in advance pay the cash or credit card

Please leave a telephone with valuables front desk can be parked free of charge

Breakfast is served free of charge by breakfast card. Free access to pool and gym and check-out time

Whether you need a baggage service or other services

Instruct the elevator to wish guests a pleasant stay

A: Hello. Are you checking out now?
B: Yes. We're sorry. I know we're a few minutes late.
A: That's no problem. It's always really busy at check out time anyway.
B: Oh, really. Thanks a lot.
A: How was everything?
B: Everything was good. We are very satisfied with the room. The beds were really comfortable. The staff here is friendly and helped us a lot. This is a really good hotel.
A: I'm glad you liked it.

B: Yes, we did.
A: Will you pay with your credit card?
B: No. I'll give you cash.
A: OK. So the total comes to $124.
B: I thought it was S 115. That's what they said yesterday when we checked in.
A: Yes, but there is an extra charge on your bill.
B: Oh, I forgot. I ordered something to eat yesterday. Sorry.
A: No problem. So, here's your change. Now, would you give me your room keys?
B: Of course. Here you are.
A: Thanks. Good bye!


  • 酒店退房的英语对话怎么写

  • 158文章网范文示例
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