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resignation letter离职通知e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193336 英文格式

Top-left insert the name, title, organization and address of your line manager - not your foreman, team-leader, supervisor or shift supervisor, unless they are formally responsible for managing recruitment and resignations. Normally supervisory positions are not responsible for employment issues - your supervisor's boss is normally your formal line manager and the person to whom to address your resignation letter. It is important that your resignation letter is received by a manager who is officially responsible, otherwise disputes and confusion can arise as to whether you have actually resigned, and letters can 'go astray' if not sent to a responsible person in authority. If in any doubt as to whom to address your resignation letter (in small or disorganized companies sometimes these matters are not crystal clear) check with a senior manager, director, HR/Personnel Manager or even the CEO's p.a., any one of whom should be able to advise you.

Top-left below your manager's address insert the date you are writing the letter. Generally employers will deem the effective date of resignation to be the date shown on the resignation letter, but in other situations employers can regard notice of resignation effective from the date they receive the letter, so try to ensure that the date on the letter an the date of receipt are the same or very close. (It is not unknown for resignation letters to sit in a manager's in-tray for a week or more due to absence or holiday, leading to inevitable confusion as to the effective resignation and leaving dates, also impacting on termination pay and commencement of the person's new job.) Whatever, date your letter with due regard for its possible effect on your notice period and final leaving date.

Start your letter with Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss (surname), or Dear (first name), whatever you normally use when speaking to your boss - in all but the most traditional and formal organizations first name terms are quite acceptable. The resignation letter below is a sample which you can use as is, or as a letter template to amend as you need.

Clarity and simplicity are important - just say what is relevant and no more. Do not take the opportunity to tell the employer all the things you'd do differently or would change about the organization given the chance. If they want to know how you feel they'll hold an exit interview, which is the place for feedback, not the resignation letter.

State the date that you regard to be your leaving date, calculated by adding your contractual notice period (normally a week or a month, or in senior positions anything from three months to more than a year. Stating your preparedness to work your full notice period is significant - asking to leave sooner will reduce your chances of receiving a settlement payment in lieu of notice if it is to be offered. This is when for certain jobs the employer stipulates an earlier leaving date than required by your contractual notice period, in which case the employer must pay you for the notice period, being your entitlement whether you work it or not. In certain jobs, particularly business sales and management positions, resigning employees are often not required to serve their notice period. Many employers have a policy to release resigning (or otherwise terminated) employees immediately to minimise potential disruption or subversion, in which case don't take such a reaction to your own resignation personally. Generally if the employer asks you to leave before your notice period is served then you are entitled to pay in lieu of notice, unless you first indicate an intention or wish, or agree, to leave before serving your notice period. Obviously if you want or need particularly to leave before your notice period permits, then you should ask for this to happen, in which case if the employer agrees (which they generally will) you will forego your pay during the notice period.

sample resignation letter and template - (when you are prepared to work your notice period)

Name, Position, Organisation Name and Address (each on a separate line)


Dear (line manager name - eg., Mr Smith, or first name if appropriate)

Please accept this as formal notice of my resignation from the position of (your job title and site/department/division as applicable), with effect from (normally date of the letter or receipt of letter - check your contract - if in doubt refer to date of letter).

In accordance with my contract of employment I am happy to continue to work until (date that your employment ceases according to notice period, calculated from your stated effective date of resignation).

(This part is optional:) While I believe that I am moving for good reasons, I am sorry to leave, and I thank you for your support during my time with the company, which I have found enjoyable and fulfilling.

(And if applicable:) Please let me know the arrangements for handing back equipment, company car, etc, and handing over outstanding work and responsibilities.

Yours sincerely etc.

sample resignation letter and template - (when you are not able, or firmly do not wish, to work your notice period)

Name, Position, Organisation Name and Address (each on a separate line)


Dear (line manager name - eg., Mr Smith, or first name if appropriate)

Please accept this as formal notice of my resignation from the position of (your job title and site/department/division as applicable), with effect from (normally date of the letter or receipt of letter - check your contract - if in doubt refer to date of letter).

I realise that my contract of employment requires me to work until (date that your employment ceases according to notice period, calculated from your stated effective date of resignation), however I'd be grateful to be released earlier on (date that you actually need to leave), and will assume that this is acceptable unless you inform me to the contrary.

(This part is optional:) While I believe that I am moving for good reasons, I am sorry to leave, and I thank you for your support during my time with the company, which I have found enjoyable and fulfilling.

(And if applicable:) Please let me know the arrangements for handing back equipment, company car, etc, and handing over outstanding work and responsibilities.

Yours sincerely etc.


(中英文对照) resignation letter


your address


july 8, 2012

to: mr. ben (the name of your boss) 致ben老板的名字,公司名称公司地址

dear mr. ben(the name of your boss): 尊敬的ben先生(老板的名字): 请接受这封辞职信,我将于几月几日正式辞去我在xx公司的职位。


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