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店员 : Good morning, sir. How can I help you ? ( 早安,先生...我可以为您效劳吗? )
顾客 : No, thanks. I am just browsing around. ( 不用, 我只是到处看看... )

顾客 : When do you have a big sale ? ( 你们什麼时候有大拍卖? )
店员 : Our store usually has a big sale in July and January. All the prices can go to 70% off.
( 我们店通常在七月和一月的时候有大拍卖, 所有的商品都打三折. )

顾客 : What things are on special sale ? ( 哪些东西正在特价 ? )
店员 : Well,all jeans are buy one get the second 20% off. ( 所有的牛仔裤都是第二件八折. )

顾客 : How much does the bag cost after the discount ? ( 这个袋子打折之后是多少钱? )
店员 : It's around 200 dollars. ( 大约两百块. )

顾客 : It's too expensive. ( 它太贵了. )
店员 : I think it fit you perfectly, you can take it. ( 我认为它非常适合你, 你可以买它.......)

顾客 : Can you give me a special price ? ( 你可以给我一个特别的价钱吗 ? )
店员 : But,everything is really on special sale. ( 但是, 每样东西真的都有特别的折扣了7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad94333....)

顾客 : Please....... ( 拜托....)
店员 : Ok..... buy two get one free. ( 好吧, 那买二送一. )

顾客 : Oh... you are really a nice guy ! I'll take it....( 喔! 你真是个好人! 我决定买了....)
店员 : Ah, that is music to my ears. ( 哈, 这真是令人悦耳的话.....)

顾客 : Is the tax included ? ( 有含税吗 ? )
店员 : Yes, the tax is automatically added to the check. ( 是的, 所有的税都自动加算到帐单中了. )

顾客 : Do you accept credit cards ? ( 你们接受信用卡吗 ? )
店员 : Yes, we accept Visa, JBC and Master Cards. ( 是的, 我们接受Visa, JBC 和 Master Cards. )

A:hi,wangfang,I want to ask you a question.
A:are you proud of being a moman today?
B:yes ,I am.
A:Do you think the status of today's women are changed?
B: yes,I agreed with you .
A: how do they changed?
B: you konw ,in the ancient times, women are not respected by the people.women usually stay at home and do some housework.they are not equal to the men.
A: and how about the women in today?
B: I think today's women have the same right as men to find a job. they are on longer discriminated by others.
A:that's right. women are not absolutely dependent on men and they have the ability to accept higher education.
B: yes.they believe they can also do them well as men did,they are very confident.
A: do you think there're also some women discrimination in the other countries?
B: yeah.in the Africa area and especically in the America,women are not attached importance to the men .
A: so how do you think about this?
B: I think it will not last long,it pays attention to the public. people there must do something aganist it.
A: we hope tomorrow'momen are better, let's do something to surpport it.
B: That's a good idea.
terested in discovering just how the doomed hero c


Don't afraid of losing your face
我个人比较喜欢这种Face to Face的


  • 英语口语对话范文

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 店员 : Good morning, sir. How can I help you ? ( 早安,先生...我可以为您效劳吗? )顾客 : No, thanks. I am just browsing around. ( 不用, 我只是到处看看... )顾客 : When do you have
  • 两个人的英语对话范文

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 几年级的7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e339A:manager B:candidates A:will you tell me something about yourself? B:ok,my name is ,I graduate form bit,my major is
  • 英语对话范文

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 我想英语不是一朝一夕就能学好的 要靠自己平时的多说多练来积累的..找英语学习中心也是可以啦,可以去我目前上.好.的英语学习中心去看看,ABC天丅英语中心这家还不错,1对1外教辅


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