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A sorry!aunt,i really won"t stay here,hope you can konw me ~B but,you are a kid! do you konw?
A i isn"t a kid,i can do everything by selfconfidence.i want to do what i want to~~~~~i believe i can do better
B if you do it,i don" allow you eat diner
A o,iask my mother at once!saying you misuse me, figure out!
B i order you go to school in a minute,you can get a car! figure out
A O my god,let"s go!
B go

81. It's a good idea.
82. We can't go at that time.
83. We're going to see your granny.
84. What shall we bring for granny?
85. Sounds great!
A: What's your favorite movie?
B: My favorite movie is Superbad.
A: Oh, why is that?
B: It's the funniest movie that I've ever seen.
A: That's true. It is a very funny movie.
B: You've seen it before?
A: Yes, I saw that movie the first day it came out in theaters.
B: Didn't you laugh through the whole movie? I did.
A: Me too. That movie brought tears to my eyes.
B: Mine too.
A: I have it on DVD at my house if you want to come over and watch it.
B: Sure, let's go.

background:LiMin is a student , here he just land off!7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e331he wants to go a place with name XI YU STREET!
LI:excause me, i'm a fresher here i want to go this place!
PASSERBY:yes! this place......oh i got it.it's a wonderful place,i bet you will love there, ok i show you the way.go straight and turn right at the second cross, then go straight about 100 meters turn left when reach the highest building! there you will see a advertising board for coffee, the turn right you can see the XI YU street, you can't miss it!
LI:OK ,thank you for your help!
PASSERBY:it's my pleasure!
LI MIN find the place where he wants to go,then he called his sister in order to let her know that he is safe now and he is planing to buy something for her!
LI MIN:this LI MIN speaking, may i speak to LI HUA?
LI HUA:yes ,this is LI HUA speaking!
LI min:hi sister i'm AT XI YU street now, people here are very friendly, i find this place very soon with their help!
LI HUA: i'm very happy to hear that,so what's the situation now?
LI MIN: oh, i'm going to buy something for mum ,dad and you. then i will meet my friend in a coffee shop.
LI HUA:ok,hope you can have a wonderful time there,my friends call me now ,i'm going.bye!
LI MIN:bye have a good time!


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