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E-works sincerely invite you to join my colleagues and the Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the guide, e-works by Chinese manufacturing information portal network and Chongqing Manufacturing Information Productivity Center on july 5 on (Thursday) in Chongqing, China世纪金源Hotel, organized jointly organized the theme "ERP applications, the manufacturing sector management reform China" of the "Fourth China in the manufacturing sector ERP applications will be."
At present, the Chinese manufacturing enterprises in the fierce competition, facing an enormous challenge:

Availability cycle shortened, reducing profits space, prompted enterprises must strengthen their production costs and delivery time for precision control;
The globalization of market competition, customer demand for personalized urge enterprises to use information technology to improve the management level;
Customers on product quality and the continuous improvement of traceability requirements, the need for precise requirements of enterprise management;
The rapid changes in the market so that enterprises need to achieve rapid reaction and realize the visualization of business operations;
The level of information, especially ERP application level and become a world-class manufacturing enterprises enter the enterprise supply chain prerequisite.

Dissemination of the management model and advanced management methods to help enterprises truly understand the thinking of ERP and related concepts, promote effective management information systems such as ERP and popularity of deepening the application, selection and implementation to reduce risk through the application of ERP Construction of a platform for enterprise management innovation to achieve the financial, logistics, manufacturing and business process integration and refinement of management, and management of information technology in solving the problems and difficulties, improve the application level of information and application of results, e-works invited Management Information areas of eminent experts, academics, consultants and industry veteran CIO, and other manufacturing enterprises in the area of information management veteran, July 5 copolymerization Chongqing, China attended the annual ERP fields annual gathering.

这个是ework的 你自己适e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad94336当改一下

1、I am writing to invite you to…


2、I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in…


3、I wonder if you can come…


4、How would you like to join us in…?


5、Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to…?


6、My family and I would feel much honored if you could come.


7、I really hope you can make it.


8、We would be looking forward to your coming.


9、I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon.


10、We would be very glad to invite you as an expert to our university/college to…




Professor wang:

Hello, I'm li dong. I heard you this day to come home, hope you are free to come to our school to a visit. I hope you can teach us how to learn English well, how to improve the English level.

About English this course, it is to make many of our students have a headache subject.

Many students of English grammar, listening, oral English is not very good, I hope you can in these aspects to our some guidance. 

If you have time this month 10 words we will arrange seminars on that day the auditorium.

Our school a few years this big changes, you come and we can all around the campus.

If you are free on that day, I hope you can reply as soon as possible I news!

Thank you! I wish all well!

Li dong

On July 1, 2011











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