Beauty means this to one and that to the other. And yet when anyone of us has seen that which to him is beautiful he has known an emotion which is in every case the same in kind.
A ship in sail, a blooming flower, a town at night, a lovely poem, leaf shadows, child\'s grace, the starry skies, apple trees in spring---the thought of beauty---these are the drops of rain that keep the human spirit from death by draught. They are a stealing and a silent refreshment that we perhaps do not think about but which goes on all the time.
Beauty is the smile on the earth\'s face, open to all, and needs but the eyes to see, mood to understand.
评:)~如果美即是美,那么我们则大可不必去诠释美为何物。只可意会的东西,又何必硬要去言传? 又何必要牵强地去附会? 其实,美之所以妙,妙就妙在不可言传。
Beauty is more than skin deep
The face is our window to the world, our source of expression, showing off our beauty and character to others. Yet do we really know what we are doing to it with the beauty products we use day in and day out? Do cosmetics really deliver on their promises or is pseudo-science taking over? This is your chance to ask the questions, quiz the beauty experts and test some products with a night of pampering and learning.
digitally created characters. Improved computing power and increasingly sophisticated software means artists and engineers can now create virtual characters that are so lifelike they appear almost human. How long will it be until we see these characters appearing in everyday life, perhaps even as virtual assistants taking our cappuccino order? From the Matrix to Lara Croft, Toy Story to Monsters inc, where is animation taking us and where will it all end?
这是我几周前讲的,完全自己写 ,可能有错误。7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e363基本都是简单词汇,希望帮到你
today i will talk about my favourite football team-- the Manchester united。Manchester united is a local team in manchester,a city of england .in the same city there is another team named manchester city. they are both strong team in england or even in europe.and why i like this team not only because it had won so many champions,but also its spirit,never give up until the match ends.and that is why the fans all over the world call the team red devil.The most representative match was in 1999,the final of european champion league,manchester unitd against Bayern Munich.manchester united was backward with 0-1 unitl the last 3 minutes.the manchester united which the the team never give up,got two goals in the last time of the match,completed the mission impossible, and shock tne world. this is manchester united,the red devil,the team never say never.
纪律。前进的动力 美国西点军校的教材里,编入了这样一个故事:
人生何尝不是这样?没有目标的人只能闭上双眼,捂住耳朵,企图忽略别人的进步,然后现自我安慰的说,自己也在前进。这岂不是又一个现代版的套中人——别里科夫? 在自然界,温暖如春的面方水泽是迁徙的候鸟心中的胜地,气爽怡人落尽铅华的秋则是酷热的夏隐忍余热的期望。
在故事里,远渡重洋的哥伦布怀着涉足东方神土的心愿发现e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9333了美洲新大陆;神话小说《西游记》中的师徒四人则是为了获取真经而经历九九八十一难。 然而事物都是两面性的,好高骛远,不切实际的目标未必能称职地引领你的前进。