您的位置:158文章网 > 范文示例 > 失物招领英语50字的范文,该怎摸写啊?要求【英语加翻译】谢了。




I found +物品. I found it on +时间. I found it on+地点 . Is it yours? Please call me at +电话号码.

Lost and Found.
We have found a notebook in the library. Please come to the library desk to collect if it is yours. Your claim will be certified with your description on its shape, color and contents. Also make sure you bring your student card with you. Opening time is 8am to 8pm.
All the best.
Library Desk.
Lost and Found Office;
Lost Property Office
the Lost and Found

One day an old lady lost her wallet on the road. When she was looking for her wallet, a girl came up to her and asked about her. The girl was told that there a large quantity of cash and her ID card. The girl smiled to her and took out an old wallet. The old lady noticed that it was exactly what she had lost. She laughed happily and thanked a lot to the kind girl. The girl said, "It is my pleasure. Out teacher always wants us to be fine and warm-hearted." The old lady went home leaving the girl happily.

Lost and Found

A bunch of keys has been found in our school canteen today after lunch time. There are 4 keys altogether and the key chain is very special with an initial E.T. on it. The owner is advised to contact Jane at 389-2402 to claim the keys within a week. After that, the keys will be disposed off.

Thank you.

By school admin. office.

8th Oct. 2009


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