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Dear Professor Wang Zhengde,

Our company will hold a seminar with the theme of global financial crisis and China's real estate market at second conference hall in China International Conference Center from two pm to five pm on July sixth, 2009.

Many specialists and leaders of the related enterprises in this field will attend the seminar. We wish every attendant would prepare a speech about fifteen minutes.

We're pleased to invite you to attend this seminar. And please confirm us if you'll able to attend the seminar before July 1st.

Yours faithfully

Dear Mr./Ms XXX,

On behalf of XXX(公司名), I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a
session of XXX(会议名称)e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb9330 to be held in XXX(地点), from XXX to XXX (举办时间).Below
please find the sechdule:1. Famous academics of translation field giving theme speech. 2. Group discussion, all the participaters can share the translation theories and research.3. Visiting natural sites of Chongqing, and appreciate the special cultural heritage.
In order to make full preparation in acvance, please kindly give us a reply as soon as possible, and confirm if we need to arrange a car to pick you up in the airport and book a hotel for you at the same time.

Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference. We sincerely hope that
you could accept our invitation.

looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours, XXX(邀请人)XXX(年月日)




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