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Do Rise Every Time You Fall “The greatest success is not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall.”e68a84e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94330 This quotation occurred to me when I saw on television Evander Holyfield regained the heavyweight boxing championship which he had last to Riddick Bowe nearly a year before. It was really a great surprise to most boxing fans. Over two thirds had bet that the challenger would fail. The result, however, turned out to be the opposite. Did it happen all by accident? Surely not! Having enjoyed the heavyweight boxing championship for two years, you can just imagine Holyfield’s depression after his defeat. He even thought of retiring from his boxing career. Soon he made a recovery, inspired more by the desire to correct his mistakes than to win back the gold belt. He reformed his training plan and hired a new trainer. After the 51 week’s efforts, he succeeded in winning back the gold belt again. It was Holyfield’s successful comeback that made me think about our study and daily life in which we are inevitably overwhelmed by frustrations and failures. Should we let difficulties prey upon us or shall we follow Holy’s suit? From my experience in this part, I do not doubt the latter. Every senior middle school student will remember the Entrance Examination to High School. I am one of them. When I saw the total points on the score report, I was crazy because I knew what this meant to me. “Am I dreaming?” “Have I made it?” Yes, I made it! I really made it! “I am going to a key high school.” How wonderful it would be! Suddenly my life changed. It was an illness that put me in the hospital. After a long time about three months, I got to the new schoolyard I just could not wait to go. Everything had changed. I had lost so much time that I might not be able to catch up with my classmates. I could not even put my heart into studying because of my illness. I was in low spirits. Maybe I thought I could not be excellent like before. At this time I got to know Holyfield and his unusual story. The words “Do rise every time you fall” encouraged and inspired me. I gained the courage from the word “rise” and now I am standing here before you. Although there are various factors that influence our final success, it should be admitted that perseverance plays an important role. This encouraged us with a vivid motivation and unfailing incentive to strive and to be innovative to achieve all of our goals. From these – the story and experience of Holy and myself. I found the truth – THE GREATEST SUCCESS IS NOT IN NEVER FALLING, BUT IN RISING EVERY TIME YOU FALL.


  • 高一英语励志演讲稿

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • Do Rise Every Time You Fall “The greatest success is not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall.”e68a84e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94330 This q


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