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How to be a good student
Time flies, time flies like a shuttle. We follow the sun went into the school gate, and start a new journey. Behind us is the expectations of parents and teachers, we should be more efforts to study, to keep one's head above water, do not live up to the expectations of our parents and teachers, if you want to be a excellent student, so, I think everyone initiative:
First of all, we should do to conform to the school rules, the code of students, middle school students etiquette all leavened dough. Be a good student, should be well-behaved, the reasonable use of learning methods, reasonable work and rest time; in the life also needs to pay attention to personal hygiene and health, for myself and for people to create a good learning environment.
In peacetime to communicate with others, we should be polite words and deeds, do civilized middle-school student; in ordinary language, should pay attention to courtesy, pay attention to the occasion, friendly, must speak putonghua. Without permission, not into another room, cannot use others' articles, don't look at others letters and diaries. Don't interrupt others, don't interrupt others study and rest. The class stood up, to pay tribute to the teachers, class is over, please the teacher to go ahead of the rest. See a teacher or elder to salute to say hello, answer the teachers question needs to stand up, to the teacher comments, attitude to be honest ... ...



怎样做一个好学生 How to Be a Good Student?


When it comes to what makes up a good student, many people may have the
stereotypes that a good student is one who can always get high marks in
examinations. In school, the student who gets high marks or full marks
is considered to be the model student. It does not matter whether he has
a good health or not, as long as he get the high marks. After school,
when the students come back home, their parents would ask them to do
more homework to get higher marks. 


However, in my humble opinion, I think being a good student is not only
about getting high marks in the exams, but also know how to live and
get alone with others, which is more important than reading and writing.
The pity thing is most of the students spend so much time on doing
their homework that most of them do not enjoy good health. They should
be encouraged to go outside to do sports, listen to music and draw some
pictures. The teachers should not only teach the knowledge in the
textbooks to the students, but also help the students to know about the
society. After they graduate from colleges, they will be more adaptable
to this world. 


To sum up, to be a good student does not only mean he can get high
marks in the exams, but also have a healthy body and mind. Generally
speaking, the student who is good at study and willing to help others
are considered to be good. 


How to Be a Good Student
We students are the builders and masters of the country. It is important for us to know how to be a good student.
A good student, I think, should be diligent in his studies. The more he studies, the more he will increase his knowledge. Without enough knowledge, we cannot make great contributions to the modernization of our country.
To take care of one's own body is another important thing for good student to do. Anyone, who hasn't got a strong body, can do nothing for his country, even if he has much knowledge. There was a man, who, when he was student, studied hard but neglected his health. No sooner did he come to serve the country than he died of poor health. From this we may see that to have a strong body is really very important for a student.
Lastly, to cultivate one's own virtue is most important. Virtue is the essence of a noble and good character. It will greatly help one to be useful and his country heart and soul. When learned people go astray, they do more harm than good to society. We should draw lessons from this.




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