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When it comes to honesty, quite a lot of people believe it is essential to a person’s character and success.
They base their idea on the following reasons: on one hand, successful business owes much to mutual trust; on another hand, great people in history such as Abraham Lincoln and Genete Washington set us good examples of being honest, they are great because they are honest.
But some people think differently. They believe honesty is becoming out of date. Their reasons run as following: to begin with, cheating on exams is becoming more and more popular; in addition, some singers and movie stars cheat on taxes; last but not the least, if you are not careful enough, you’ll buy some defective goods and fake products.
It is high time we emphasized and encouraged honesty. We can take effective measures to restore it. For example, kids should be taught to tell truth, strict rules and regulations should be carried out to stop cheatings on exams and taxes, etc.

In the era of information and technology, the Internet plays an important role in our
  society. However, people’7a64e78988e69d83336s opinions are still divided on this point. Those who are in favor of the Internet claim that it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, information searching is no longer a tough job with the help of all kinds of search engines. Secondly, we can contact friends or business partners via e-mails or software such as Internet Meeting and Yahoo Messenger.
  Those who are opposed to the Internet hold that its disadvantages are numerous. In the first place, using the Internet costs considerable time, money and energy, especially for those with poor self-control. In the second place, increasing young people are indulged in online games and unhealthy information, which are extremely harmful to their development.


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  • 这网上找的,挺多的,不过我劝你还是多做阅读和听力,这两你做好了,其他跟着就上去了,作文你到考试前集中背两三个经典的你能记住的就行,看多了背多了会晕的。。还是一句话


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