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推荐信大体上可分为两种:专业推荐信(特意为被推荐人申请某一单位的某一职务而写的。写信人应了解聘方的要求、工作性质等有关情况以便有的方矢地推荐被荐人)。通常推荐信(即一封信可以用于不同的聘人单位,通常以“To Whom it May Concern”)为称呼。







1. 推荐研究人员(专用) Recommendation of researcher

Dear Sir,

I take pleasure in recommending to you [Mrs Chen Ping], [instructor of physics in Tianjin Chinese Medical College].

[Mrs Chen Ping] graduated from [the physics Department of Beijing Teachers’ University in 1982]. From [1983] to [1985] [she] had been a research student [in Physics Department] of the above-mentioned University under my direction, majoring in [molecular spectra] study. Since [1986 she] has been doing teaching and research work in [Tianjin Chinese Medical Col-lege] in [the line of infrared spectra of lipids]. I have found [Mrs Chen] to be a hard-working person, who has made some outstanding achievements in [her] work.

[Mrs Chen] now intends to engage in further study of [infrared spectroscopy, and laser spectroscopy] in particular. If possible, [she] would like to do research work under the direc-tion of [Professor Li Gang] whose distinguished attainments are well-known.

Not only I myself but also my colleagues in [the Physics Department of our university] shall deem it a great favor if you will give [Mrs Chen Ping] assistance and guidance during her study in your university.

Yours truly,






Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to strongly recommend Mr. Zhou, a worthy youth, as a prospective candidate for your graduate program. As a former teacher of Mr. Zhou, I know him very well.

Mr. Zhou is enrolled in my class of Computer Network. He was always very active in class, coming up with novel and persuading solutions to questions met with in practical cases. He listened to the class very attentively; his notes were always clear and clean. And he was always the active student in the discussion with the classmates and me. I was delighted to see that some of his questions were thoughtful. Some of his comments showed that he grasped the fundamental theories of the subject well and he had obvious got a lot of nutrition from extensive readings.

He once told me that he enjoyed my class because he is interested in computer technology; and my class satisfied his curiosity of the world of computer network. With keen curiosity and intuition, he was always trying to get a thorough understanding of every important concept of my class.

And I would like to add that Mr. Zhou is a nice young boy. Through my association with him, I found him Active, enthusiasm, sociable, considerate and ready to help others. He wiped the blackboard for me at the end of my class sometimes and often bought his note book for his classmates who fell to take notes in my class.

Because of Mr. Zhou’s diligence and trustworthy personality, I am sure you will find him a diligent and pleasant person to work with. I recommend him to you without any reservation.

Yours honestly,

Associate Professor

Internship Certificate

XXX, male, born on October 14th , 1990, has accomplished an internship in the Investment Promotion Agency of Ministry of Commerce, P.R.China from July 10th, 2008 to September 12th, 2008. During his internship, he acted as the assistant of the director of the Project Development Department. His work resposibility includes the daily operation of the department’e68a84e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193332s reception work , translation of the documents and external relations with the Economic offices of Foreign Embassies in China.

Contents of the internship:

July 17th, 2008, attended China-Japan-Korea Science & Technology Cooperation Forum on New and Renewable Energy, he prepared some background materials for the director.
August 11th, 2008, attended the Clean Energy Resource Forum held by Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, he mainly in charge of the translation work for relevant materials.
September 10th , 2008, Press conference of the World Innovation and Investment Promotion Platform in The Twelfth China International Fair for Investment & Trade held in Xiamen Fujian province, he participated in the inviting work for the foreign experts ,officials and representatives.


During the internship he put much effort into his work and study. He had been not only proficient at English,but also at thinking and solving problems and never hesitated asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met. The student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. At the same time, he adheres to the work regulations of CIPA, respects and gets along with others well, co-workers all speak highly to the student whose performance impressed both the department’s leaders and colleagues.

Time: 12/15/2008
Signature of director:
Stamp of the Investment Promotion Agency of Ministry of Commerce, P.R. China




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