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第二部分是literature review(或者是related work)

Andre Maurois said that the motif used by most great writers is the passage from childhood to maturity and the disillusioning knowledge of truth. Charles Dickens uses this motif in Great Expectations to show the main character Pip as a well-rounded and developed character. Great Expectations follows Pip from a simple childhood to a lavish adulthood. He has a mysterious benefactor who helps him attain his rich lifestyle, and fills his head with hopes and dreams. When the benefactor turns out to be someone unexpected, he has trouble coming to grips with the harsh truth. As a real sign of maturity he then tries to make amends with those he had wronged.

Throughout much of the novel, Pip had reasons to believe that a recluse named Miss Havisham was his benefactor. That led him to believe that she intended for her adopted daughter Estella to marry him. When it was discovered that the mystery person was actually a convict, Pip was faced with obstacles blocking his expectations. He was not really intended for Estella and the idea that a convict had given him so much money gave him shame. As a result, he pined away for a woman that he didn't have a chance with in the first place. He was not able to let go until a final confrontation in the end of the novel. Pip thought poorly of the convict, and wanted nothing to do with him. When he realized that the convict was more of a gentleman than he had been, he let the convict be closer to him rather than pushing him away.

When Pip became an adult he moved to London, which was supposed to help him become both independent and a 'gentleman'. Even after that transition was achieved, he was still a child. He lived well beyond his means, spending large amounts on frivolous items such as extra clothes and furniture. The only good thing he did with his money was secretly supporting his friend and roommate Herbert. He reached a point where he began living frugally in attempt to pull out of debt. Pip had to reach a mature level of thought to assess his situation and realize his spending habits were not healthy.

Among Pip's many false beliefs was the idea that his father figure Joe was simple and the opposite of a gentleman. Joe was a humble blacksmith, which contrasted to Pip's idea that gentlemen were rich socialites living the 'high life'. When Pip realized that his gentlemanly lifestyle was spoiling him (creating debt and arrogance) he became aware that his image of the ideal gentleman was wrong. He then went home to visit Joe and ask for forgiveness.

'Maturity' is often used to describe a condition of full development and 'disillusion' means being freed from mistaken ideas. With these definitions in mind, it is easier to see how Maurois' idea is applicable to many works of literature. And it is more clear that his thought on motif is exemplified by Dickens'Great Expectations.


  • 英语文献综述

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 一般第一部分是introduction第二部分是literature review(或者是related work)首先把你要写的领域的外文核心期刊文献都找出来百,然后按照不同度的课题组的研究内容及进展归类出来,文献归


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