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an invitation for somebody
to更多用于give sth to sb,强调动作


Requirement for CSC(China Scholarship Council) Invitation Letter
Application materials include a formal invitation
letter from the host supervisor, a jointly designed research plan approved by
both supervisors, and an introduction of the host supervisor. The invitation
letter must be a formal letter printed on university letterhead addressed to
the applicant and signed by the host supervisor. The content should include the
following: personal information of the student being invited, period of
invitation, major research field and plan, statement of tuition fee waiver, and
an evaluation of the English language level of the applicant by the host
supervisor. If any tuition fee or registration fee is involved or might occur
during the joint training that cannot be waived, a list of these fees attached
with the application will be appreciated. Supervisors at home and abroad have
to work together to design a research plan for the applicants. A
Chinese-English research plan with no less than 1000 words on each version and
signed by both supervisors is required for application. In order to get a
better knowledge of supervisors at foreign universities, an introduction of the
host supervisor with his/her personal information and academic achievements
during the last five years should be included in the application.



  • 邀请函的要求用英语怎么说

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • an invitation for somebodyfor通常给别人的东西to更多用于give sth to sb,强调动作这里表示给某人的邀请函,用for更合适求采纳Requirement for CSC(China Scholarship Council) Invitation LetterAp


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