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一、Dear sir/madam:
Im delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference
in [city] on [date].

As we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic "" from [time] to [time]. There
will be an additional minutes for questions.

Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need. If you could let me know your specific uirements
by [date], Ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

二、Dear sir/madam:
Thank you for your letter of [date]. Im glad that you are also going to [place] next month. It would be a great pleasure
to meet you at the [exhibition/trade fair].

Our company is having a reception at [hotel] on the evening of [date] and I would be very pleased if you could attend.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

三、Dear sir/madam:
[organization] would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on [topic].

As you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote . Many of our members are interested in the
achievements your company has made in .

Enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be reviewed in weeks. Ill call you [date] to see who from
your company would be willing to speak to us. I can assure you that well make everything convenient to the speaker.

Sincerely yours,

四、Dear sir/madam:
We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new [product]. The presentation will take place at [location], at [time] on [date]. There will also be a reception at [time]. We hope you and your colleagues will be able to attend.

[company] is a leading producer of high-quality . As you well know, recent technological advances have made increasingly affordable to the public. Our new models offer superb quality and sophistication with economy, and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers.

We look forward to seeing you on [date]. Just call our office at [phone number] and we will be glad to secure a place for you.

Sincerely yours,

五、Dear sir/madam:
On [date], we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirement of [name], President of [company]. You are
cordially invited to attend the celebration at [hotel], [location], on [date] from to p.m.

[name] has been the President of [company] since [year]. During this period, [company] expanded its business from to . Now its our opportunity to thank him for his years of exemplary leadership and wish him well for a happy retirement. Please join us to say Good-bye to [name].

See you on [date].

Yours sincerely

如果看不懂 就把地点时间什么的信息发给我
我帮你填好 ~
希望对你有帮助~ 翻译团~
Dear Mr.and Mrs.Tim Smith,
Hello.We are the *** Company,in order to show our thanks to our clients for their good cooperation,we are to hold a costume dance at Holiday Inn of our company at 9p.m.on Friday,and we would like to invite you to it.We hope you can spare time to come.Thank you.

*** Company


  • 一份英语邀请函

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 一、Dear sir/madam: Im delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]. As we agreed, youll be speaking on the


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