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推荐信 范文英语初一



Today,many people use phone.what does the mobile telephone mean in your life I think that the most important thing is convenient.You can connect your friend when you neet talk with them.When my parents have some things,they can call me go home.If i have trouble,I also can call my parents.So phone is very importand in my life.

Dear or Madam:
The School Top Student Award for Rose.She is good at painting and swimming.She is so clever that she learns very quickly.She also study hard,and her marks are very high.She thinks things in many diffrent sides,she can plan everything very well.Her best subject is math,so she usually help her classmetes with math.In the bus,she always give up her seat to the old.She will go to the apartment for the aged to help the old clean rooms.Above all,she really is a outstanding student!

回答和翻译如下 :


Employment instructor recommendation letter model 1 Respected leader: How do you do? I recommend XX graduates from your department. The student is a fresh graduate in computer science at XXX college. Here, I sincerely recommend this student to you. ( In the ideological and moral aspects, XX students abide by the law, care and help others, and actively participate in the school volunteer activities. He always pays attention to current affairs, and through understanding and learning the party's relevant dynamics and spirit, he keeps himself in line with the Party Central Committee in his thought and action, and actively moves closer to the party organization. He has successfully passed the Party school examination and won the certificate of completion of the Party school and is recommended as the party building object. He joined the Chinese Communist Party because he tried to realize his self-worth. He studied the various theories of the party and tried to put them in practice and guided his actions at all times. In the field of learning, the student has been trying to conscientiously learn every lesson, master the relevant professional hardware, software and network programming, network management and maintenance of knowledge. A piece of work, a harvest, often see his gratifying achievements, he will sigh, as long as there is determination, nothing is impossible. For computer related students, the knowledge of optical books is far from enough. So he often use spare time often reading computer books, so that they can easily operate office software and professional software, the computer can solve some common problems, computer maintenance, and management and maintenance of network, and participated in a number of computer level exam, achieved good results. Through his unremitting efforts, academic performance has been good, every year a scholarship. In the work aspect, the student work enthusiasm, the sense of responsibility is strong, diligent and steadfast, pays great attention to the team cooperation spirit and the collective idea. In the past four years, he has encountered more setbacks and failures than others, but he has also won relatively many honors. As a squad leader and a group secretary, he has made numerous speeches in class or other places, which has made him a lot more courageous. He also used the summer and winter vacation time, did some part-time jobs, strengthened his social practice ability, accumulated a certain amount of social work experience, laid a solid foundation for future work. In life, diligence and optimism are the attitudes of the student who have always adhered to it. Diligence, learning, respect for teachers, solidarity with students, safeguard the interests of the collective and willing to help others is the standard of his learning. Love sports, so that he has a healthy body, table tennis, badminton, table tennis, swimming and other sports activities are playing well. In these sports, he made many friends and learned to communicate and cooperate with others. May your eyes open the journey of his life. Here, I would like to recommend XX students to your company without reservation. He will be able to do a good job of every job, for the expensive unit business offer modest! Hope your units to be considered, he will not trust you!

Recommender: XX XX XX XX


  • 推荐信 范文英语初一

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • Today,many people use phone.what does the mobile telephone mean in your life I think that the most important thing is convenient.You can connect your


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