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It is certainly true that today traffic in cities throughout the world has become a major problem. This is
obvious from the number of vehicles on our roads and the amount of pollution they cause. Probably the
traffic problem is due to individuals travelling for work, study or shopping purposes, and this is evident in
the rush hours we experience every morning and evening.
It is also true that, these days, such daily commuting is not always necessary because people can do these
things from home. We can see this in the options Information Technology gives us today. For instance,
on-line work, distance learning and shopping facilities are all available via the Internet.

, even if everyone had access to the technology and the opportunity to work from home, it is
unrealistic to think that everyone would want to. Even though the technology for working, studying or
shopping on-line makes this option a possibility, nevertheless it would mean people had less freedom of
choice and less social contact in their lives. This would have a large impact on society as a whole.
So, in conclusion, I think that while this practice could reduce the traffic problems in our cities, it is most
unlikely to be an acceptable solution. In terms of other solutions, perhaps we need to think more carefully
about facilitating public transport and limiting private cars in our city centres. The development of public
transport that is not road-based, such as sky trains or subways, would probably be a more acceptable
alternative measure to reduce jams on our roads.









  The table below gives information on consumer spending on differentitems in five different countries in 2002.
  Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category – 2002
  I know that I can write a short introduction by paraphrasing thequestion.
  I look for an overall trend. I can see that the food/drinks/tobaccocategory has the highest percentages, and leisure/education has the lowest.
  Now I want to write two main body paragraphs. I need to selectsomething to say about each country. Remember, there is no rule about whatinformation you select; everyone will do this differently.
  I look for the highest figures in each category: I can see thatTurkey has the highest figure for food/drinks/tobacco AND foreducation/leisure. Italy has the highest figure for clothing/footwear.
  So, I'll write a paragraph about Turkey and Italy.
  My final paragraph needs to talk about Ireland, Spain and Sweden.
  Maybe I'll point out that Ireland has a high figure for the firstcategory, Spain has the lowest figure for education/leisure, and Sweden has thelowest figures for the first AND second categories.
  I don't need a conclusion because I have already mentioned a generaltrend in point 2.
  The table shows percentages of consumer expenditure for threecategories of products and services in five countries in 2002.
  It is clear that the largest proportion of consumer spending in eachcountry went on food, drinks and tobacco. On the other hand, theleisure/education category has the lowest percentages in the table.
  Out of the five countries, consumer spending on food, drinks andtobacco was noticeably higher in Turkey, at 32.14%, and Ireland, at nearly 29%.The proportion of spending on leisure and education was also highest in Turkey,at 4.35%, while expenditure on clothing and footwear was significantly higherin Italy, at 9%, than in any of the other countries.
  It can be seen that Sweden had the lowest percentages of nationalconsumer expenditure for food/drinks/tobacco and for clothing/footwear, atnearly 16% and just over 5% respectively. Spain had slightly higher figures forthese categories, but the lowest figure for leisure/education, at only 1.98%.

Opinions differ on the extent to which incarceration deals effectively with
crime as opposed to improving the quality of education. My view is that there
will always be a role for prisons in confining evil people, but better education
is more likely to reduce crime levels.每个人的情况不同,也可以登录文都国际教育官网进行一对一的咨询。
主体段1:讨论 prison 的作用
Confining criminals to prison is likely to always be necessary at least to
some extent. There are currently a large number of people in jail for serious
offences like murder and, for them, preventive education would come too late. It
is more important that society continue to be protected from them than to
release them in the hope that they might reform by virtue of educational
programmes. Another reality is the fact that some people choose to commit
serious wrongdoings no matter how much education they have received. This is the
case for many white-collar crimes such as fraud which often involve the
elaborate schemes that only very intelligent people could devise.
1) 犯了谋杀罪等重罪的大量囚犯,靠防止犯罪的教e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9365育来改变他们,已经太迟了。保护人们不受他们的伤害,比释放他们并指望通过教育来改造他们,更重要。
2) 有些人无论接受了多少教育,都会选择犯罪。很多白领犯罪,比如诈骗,就是需要高智商的人才能设计出来的。
主体段2:讨论 better education 的作用
Nevertheless, improvements to education would, in my view, be a better means
of reducing the number of people who want to commit crime in the long-term.
Acquiring more useful knowledge especially when young would provide greater
opportunities for entry into satisfying careers. Further education opens up new
possibilities in terms of developing healthy interests and participating in
worthwhile activities such as sports and hobbies. Better education would achieve
improved outcomes such as a proficiency in a sport rather than just a passing
interest. The more people achieve personal goals in terms of their careers or
hobbies, the more people will find meaning in life and thus not be tempted to
use their talents in illegal ways.
1) 获取更多有用的知识,尤其在年轻的时候,会给人带去更大的机会,进入体面的职业。
2) 中学后的深造,为人们培养健康的兴趣和参加有意义的活动,提供了新的可能性。
3) 更好的教育能带来更好的结果,比如对某项运动转瞬即逝的兴趣变成了熟练。
In conclusion, I acknowledge the place that imprisonment will have in
protecting society from serious offenders who have already committed crimes.
However crime levels are more likely to fall more drastically over the longer
term by reason of improvement to education.


  • 雅思写作满分范文是什么样子

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