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RL-Management and Economics, Tianjin University

Dear Colleagues
I take pleasure in recommending Mr. Duan Chen to your attention. Mr. Duan Chen is presently seeking an opportunity to further his graduate studies at your University, and I strongly recommend that you can consider his application seriously.
I am an associate professor from Department of Management and Economics, Tianjin University. As a head teacher, I have known him for about three years. He had three subjects under my instruction. They are Financial Market, Venture Capital and Program Evaluate & Cost Management. Mr. Duan Chen is intelligent and has keen mind. I would put him at top students in his same grade. He exhibited his quantity analysis skills in financial area and had particular focus on Stock Operating Mechanism & Market Capitalization Evaporation Problem. He proposed that market value evaporation was actually one kind of stock market foam, and would come to me with questions in which he had interest after class. Every discussion on these questions with him was an enjoyable experience. I was surprised at his well-organized thoughts and creative yet profound ideas.
In retrospect, Mr. Duan’s outstanding performance in my Venture Capital course displayed a significant level of his intellectual inquisitiveness and creative thinking. He actively participated in the discussion after class and learnt the experience from specific cases. Meanwhile, his terminal business prospectus was impressive as well. Mr. Duan was quite adaptable, and since he had been enrolled in the University, he always sat in front of the class and never been absent.
Recently, he has decided to go on with his graduate studies abroad. I’m sure it would be a great challenge for him as it involves new subjects, cross-culture communications, new ways of learning, practicing and so on. However, I think the valuable experience abroad will definitely affect his advancement of knowledge and ability which will offer a great help for his future. I’m sure your trust in him will not be misplaced if you ever accept his application.
Sincerely yours
Department of Management and Economics
Tianjin University



  • 导师推荐信模板

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 可以search 普瑞思翻译PreThink or MagicWrite on taobao ,可以提供e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb9338很多模板的,blog和offcial website都有很多的RL-Management and Economics
  • 教授推荐信(英文)怎么写

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  • 都可以的。写留学推荐信往往有两种方法:联系教授为自己写推荐信,自己写推荐信找老师签字。而网申传推荐信也是有两种方法:自己上传,请老师为自己上传。   在写推荐信和上
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