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Sand writing 伤害只写在沙地上
A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert.
During some point of the journey,they had an argument,and one friend slapped the other one in the face.The one who got slapped was hurt,but without saying anything,he wrote in the sand:Today my best friend slapped me in the face.
They kept on walking,until they found an oasis,where they decided to take a bath.The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning,but his friend saved him.After he recovered from the fright,he wrote on a stone :Today my best friend saved my life.
The friend ,who had slapped and saved his best friend,asked him,"After I hurt you,you wrote in the sand,and now ,you write on a stone ,why?"
the other friend replied:"when someone hurt us ,we should write it down in sand,where the winds of forgiveness can erase it away.But when someone does something good for us,we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."
Learn to write your hurt in the sand and to carve your blessing in stone.

Hello everyone,In fact, really a hard nut to crack started from the day, pure vast sea have had a history of the planet's earliest life-precision end - with green algae group; a matter of fact, really a hard nut to crack from the day began, more than the Pentium the shore of the Yellow River had the ancestors of modern man in mind - Lam Tin man; a matter of fact, really a hard nut to crack started from the day, the earth is pleased to hold the Prometheus stole the fire, so a declaration of civilization and complete the initial the birth of ... ... Then, slowly in this planet with people who nurture this planet with the dazzling brilliance of mankind! The creation of human civilization!
And spiritual civilization is in full bloom on the tree of human civilization in a magnificent wonderful, each have a nation with its unique cultural form of continuation of their own civilization, of course, are everyone's words and deeds in their unique way of the performance of their own acts of self-cultivation and moral connotations. Ancient civilizations like the statement: "the only slander small to achieve the capacity of Germany, Voice of Germany, German act", and then "the world is due to the security people." In fact, the biggest difference between people, not the ability level of poverty is not rich, but, above all, the high ideological level, a reflection of the degree of civilization. From ancient times, civilization has brought the comfort of our spiritual and material development. Thus, civilization will shape the image of our beautiful and noble qualities. However, the reality of the spiritual ivory tower is not as we imagine, as perfect. Us take a look at the conduct of some secondary school students may not be satisfactory. Public property is always "beyond recognition"; classroom "Miao T Shenghui" culture of the desks and the "colorful" pictures of the wall, so that you forget to look over; campus newspaper瓜皮stone debris everywhere, and a white garbage flying all over the sky, "Do not trample on the lawn" next to every track, as well as the classroom, "mutilated foot" of the tables and chairs ... ... these "missing the United States" to give us the image of high-quality secondary school students play a big discount, we accept the social morality from an early age education, many students can reel off a lot to say about social ethics. But everywhere on campus to see litter with discarded, beverage bottles, listen to some students out of the bad mouth, how can it not but feel deeply grieved! Are we are "the language of the Giants, the action of the Dwarfs," what? That we ask ourselves: "how the modern secondary school students? Which our civilization gone? Our high-quality education is one such right? Our first image of the human being the case, Wenzhou People's image of being the case?"
Civilization of a society moral standards, can be a reflection of the degree of civilization of a country, a person who fails to comply with the civilization of a society, will affect their own small image will be a big impact on the collective, social and national reputation. In the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty Minister Li as ambassador to Russia, in a public occasion, the bad habit of attack, a spit spitting , foreign journalists have been greatly exaggerated, a mockery of the Chinese people face. This is a non-compliance with social morality of the lessons of history of civilization. Thought-provoking, a house, So why do not sweep the world? "Do not do not refrain from doing good, not to be small and evil." We are the masters of the schools, we are the new era, and civilized campus environment to safeguard the needs of our own, the school the image of the same civilization, we need the students themselves set.
Mr. Lu Xun once said: "The Chinese want to keep for the world, its first in oneself, the legislature and then give everything." "Oneself" is meant to improve people's ideological and moral cultivation, civilized people do. Cultivation of human civilization is not a birthright, but by a continuous improvement the day after tomorrow.
We improve our own moral self-cultivation is not necessarily what a great move, as long as the litter from the side do not, do not step on the lawn chaotic start these things. Cultivate the habit of civilization, so that the concept of civilization from the unconscious level to the level of awareness so that our every move throughout civilization. So that our modern civilization has become a synonym for the twenty-first man!
AI do not have to blame their own strength too weak, the image of the school building civilizations have little effect, there is no need to doubt it is not too late. Imagine, instead of bread yeast in the little right? However, this yeast alone, not just bread you made up. Now I create a provincial-level correction in the A category of S & P high, the city is also the creation of a civilized city, sea diving, with wide, high-Ren鸟飞days, let each one of our students have done the school, the community of yeast, so that their own enzymes, in the school play its due role.
Campus, as well as the construction of spiritual civilization is a society that everyone will work together on operations, as long as we have from the start bit by bit, starting from the side! Perhaps your in between and stomp it to maintain its good image, but also our contemporary twenty-first embodiment of the quality of people, representing 21 of our human spirit. Call of the twenty-first in our civilization, society calls for high-quality personnel, to man-made has been for the public to private, we should enhance their spiritual self-cultivation and shaping the image of a beautiful and constantly improve themselves. Students, yardstick of civilization in your heart, in practice, testing myself in action to improve their for our first building of spiritual civilization and the common struggle to improve the quality of it!
Finished my speech! Thank you!

而精神文明则是绽放在人类文明之树上一朵绚丽的奇葩,每一个民族也都以其独有的文化形式延续其自身的文明,当然每一个人也都以其独有的言行方式表现自己的修养内涵和道德行为。文明有如古人言:“e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e336小则止谤,以达到德之容,德之音,德之举”,大则“而致天下百姓之安”。其实,人与人之间最大的差别,不是能力水平,不是贫穷富有,而首先是思想境界的高下,文明程度的体现。从古至今,文明带给了我们精神上的安慰,物质上的发展。于是,文明便塑造了我们美好的形象和高尚品德。然而,现实中象牙塔的精神文明并非如我们所想象的那样完美。看看我们身边有些中学生的行为未必尽如人意。公共财物总是 “面目全非”;教室里“妙笔生辉”的课桌文化和“丰富多彩”的墙壁图画,让你过目难忘;校园里报纸瓜皮果核杂物随处可见,白色垃圾漫天飞舞,“请勿践踏草坪”旁的条条小道,还有教室里“断手断脚”的桌椅……这些“残缺美”给我们高素质的中学生形象打了大折扣,我们从小接受社会公共道德的教育,很多同学都可以滔滔不绝地大谈社会公德。可是看见校园中随处丢弃的垃圾带、饮料瓶,听着某些同学口中吐出的脏话,怎能不教人痛心疾首呢!难道我们都是“语言的巨人,行动的矮子”么?我们是否该扪心自问:“怎么了,现代的中学生?我们的文明哪去了?我们的高素质教育就是这样的吗?我们二十一中人的形象既是如此,温州人的形象既是如此?”
一个社会的文明道德水平,可以折射出一个国家的文明程度,一个人如果不遵守社会文明,小的会影响自身形象,大的则会影响集体,社会及国家声誉。在清朝的时候,清朝大臣李鸿章出使俄国,在一公开场合,恶习发作,随地吐了一口痰,被外国记者大加渲染、嘲弄,丢尽了中国人的脸。这是一个不遵守文明社会公德的历史教训。发人深省的,一屋不扫何以扫天下?“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。” 我们是学校的主人,我们是时代的新人,文明的校园环境需要我们自己来维护,学校的文明形象同样需要我们同学自己来树立。


一、了解对象,有的放矢 演讲稿是讲给人听的,因此,写演讲稿首先要了解听众对象:了解他们的思想状况、文 化程度、职业状况如何;了解他们所关心和迫切需要解决的问题是什么,等等。否则,不看 对象,演讲稿写得再花功夫,说得再天花乱坠,听众也会感到索然无味,无动于衷,也就达 不到宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏的目的。

二、观点鲜明,感情真挚 演讲稿观点鲜明,显示着演讲者对一种理性认识的肯定,显示着演讲者对客观事物见解 的透辟程度,能给人以可信性和可*感。演讲稿观点不鲜明,就缺乏说服力,就失去了演讲 的作用。 演讲稿还要有真挚的感情,才能打动人、感染人,有鼓动性。因此,它要求在表达上注 意感情色彩,把说理和抒情结合起来。既有冷静的分析,又有热情的鼓动;既有所怒,又有 所喜;既有所憎,又有所爱。当然这种深厚动人的感情不应是“挤”出来的,而要发自肺腑, 就像泉水喷涌而出。

三、行文变化,富有波澜 构成演讲稿波澜的要素很多,有内容,有安排,也有听众的心理特征和认识事物的规律。

如果能掌握听众的心理特征和认识事物的规律,恰当地选择材料,安排材料,也能使演讲在 听众心里激起波澜。换句话说,演讲稿要写得有波澜,主要不是*声调的高低,而是内容的有起有伏,有张有弛,有强调,有反复,有比较,有照应。

四、语言流畅,深刻风趣 要把演讲者在头脑里构思的一切都写出来或说出来,让人们看得见,听得到,就必须借 助语言这个交流思想的工具。因此,语言运用得好还是差,对写作演讲稿影响极大。要提高 演讲稿的质量,不能不在语言的运用上下一番功夫。 写作演讲稿在语言运用上应注意以下五个问题:

(一)要口语化。“上口”、“入耳”这是对演讲语言的基本要求,也就是说演讲的语言 要口语化。 演讲,说出来的是一连串声音,听众听到的也是一连串声音。听众能否听懂,要看演讲 者能否说得好,更要看演讲稿是否写得好。如果演讲稿不“上口”,那么演讲的内容再好, 也不能使听众“入耳”,完全听懂。如在一次公安部门的演讲会上,一个公安战士讲到他在 执行公务中被歹徒打瞎了一只眼睛,歹徒弹冠相庆说这下子他成了“独眼龙”,可是这位战 士伤愈之后又重返第一线工作了。讲到这里,他拍了一下讲台,大声说:“我‘独眼龙’又 回来了!”会场里的听众立即报以热烈的掌声。 演讲稿的“口语”,不是日常的口头语言的复制,而是经过加工提炼的口头语言,要逻 辑严密,语句通顺。由于演讲稿的语言是作者写出来的,受书面语言的束缚较大,因此,就 要冲破这种束缚,使演讲稿的语言口语化。为了做到这一点,写作演讲稿时,应把长句改成 短句,把倒装句必成正装句,把单音词换成双音词,把听不明白的文言词语、成语改换或删 去。演讲稿写完后,要念一念,听一听,看看是不是“上口”、“入耳”,如果不那么“上口”、 “入耳”,就需要进一步修改。

(二)要通俗易懂。演讲要让听众听懂。如果使用的语言讲出来谁也听不懂,那么这篇 演讲稿就失去了听众,因而也就失去了演讲的作用、意义和价值。为此,演讲稿的语言要力 求做到通俗易懂。列宁说过:“应当善于用简单明了、群众易懂的语言讲话,应当坚决抛弃 晦涩难懂的术语和外来的字眼,抛弃记得烂熟的、现成的但是群众还不懂的、还不熟悉的口 号、决定和结论”。

(三)要生动感人。好的演讲稿,语言一定要生动。如果只是思想内容好,而语言干巴 巴,那就算不上是一篇好的演讲稿。写好演讲稿,只有语言的明白、通俗还不够,还要力求语言生动感人。

(四)要准确朴素。准确,是指演讲稿使用的语言能够确切地表现讲述的对象——事物 和道理,揭示它们的本质及其相互关系。作者要做到这一点,首先,要对表达的对象熟悉了 解,认识必须对头;其次,要做到概念明确,判断恰当,用词贴切,句子组织结构合理。朴 素,是指用普普通通的语言,明晰、通畅地表达演讲的思想内容,而不刻意在形式上追求词 藻的华丽。如果过分地追求文辞的华美,就会弄巧成拙,失去朴素美的感染力。



  • 三分钟英文演讲稿怎么写?

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