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  • 2010年12月份英语六级试题及答案解析 谢谢
  • 一、英语12月六级答案完整版,能不能过就看它了!



    1. A) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike.

    2. B) Stories about some female physicists.

    3. C) By including lots of fascinating knowledge.

    4. D) It provides experiments they can do themselves.

    5. D)He has not idea how to proceed with his dissertation.

    6. A) It is too broad.

    7. B) Nature.

    8. C) List the parameters first.

    9. A) The unprecedented high temperature in Greenland.

    10. C) It typically appears about once every ten years.

    11. B) Iceless summers in the Arctic.

    12. C) A strong determination.

    13. D) It is most important to have confidence in one’s willpower.

    14. A) They could keep on working longer.

    15. B) They are subject to change.

    16. A) About half of current jobs might be automated.

    17. D) They could grade high-school essays just like human teachers.

    18. C) It has to rely on huge amounts of previous data.

    19. D) The theoretical aspects of sustainable energy.

    20. A) Drive trains with solar energy.

    21. B) Find a new material for storing energy.

    22. D) The poor relation between national health and social care services.

    23. A) It was mainly provided by voluntary services.

    24. C) Their preference for private services.

    25. B) They have long been discriminated against.



    26. dwells

    27. B chaos

    28. J mammal

    29. H fierce

    30. D declared

    31. A aggressive

    32. M remove

    33. K monitoring







    46. What may farmers be able to do with robots appearing on the farming scene?

    答案:B- Enjoy more leisure hours

    47. What will 'farmbots’be expected to do?

    答案:A- Take up many of the farmers' routines.

    48. What can robots do when equipped with high-tech sensors and complex learning algorithms?

    答案: B -Help farmers simplify their farming tasks and management.

    49. Why are farmers pressing for robotic farming?

    答案:D- Labor shortage is worsening

    50. What does the author think future farms will be like?

    答案:A- More and more automated.


    51. What does the example of climate change serve to show?

    答案: D - Common folks' scientific knowledge can sway policy making。

    52. What should non-scientists do to ensure their quality of life?

    答案: B- Acquire a basic understanding of medical science

    53. Why is it important for scientists to build a good relationship with the media?

    答案: A- It helps them to effectively popularize new scientific information.

    54. What does the author say is the problem with science journaism?

    答案: C-It may give inaccurate or distorted information to the public.

    55. What should scientists do to impart their latest findings to the public more effectively?

    答案:D- Improve their communication skills.




    In recentyears, more and more museums in China have been open to the publicfor free, as a result of which the numbers of both exhibitions and visitorshave risen remarkably. It is common to see people waiting in long Linesat the gate of some popular museums, which are forced to take measuresto limit tie number of visitors. Today. the forms of exhibitionare more varied . Some of the large museums employ advancedtechnologies like media and virtual reality to make their exhibitions moreattractive. In addition, many museums hold on-line exhibitionsso hat people can appreciate those precious exhibits. How ever, it is stillmore attractive for most visitors to see the exhibits on the scene.






    1. C)Take a picture of him.

    2. A)Gaining great fame on the Internet

    3. B)Editing his pictures and posting them online

    4. A)They are far from satisfactory

    5. A)A series of interviews with outstanding physicists

    6. B)The origin of the universe.

    7. D)Why there is a universe at all.

    8. C)the universe formed due to a sufficient amount of matter

    9. B)she woke up speaking with a different accent

    10. A)It is usually caused by a stroke or brain injury

    11. C) Russian

    12. D) Books about swimming.

    13. B)She published a guide to London 's best swimming spots.

    14. C) They were prohibited from swimming

    15. C)She was the first woman to swim across the English Channel

    16. A) Build a machine that can detect lies

    17. B)They are skeptical of its reliability.

    18. A)It is not to be trusted at all.

    19. C) Each village there speaks a totally different language.

    20. C) More are found in tropical regions than in the mild zones.

    21.D)There is no conclusive account for the cause of language diversity.

    22. A)Its middle-class is disappearing.

    23. B)They could realize their dreams though hard work.

    24. D) Full employment.

    25. C) Hire part-time employees only.



    26. F grasp

    27. C evaluated

    28. A predators

    29. E filtering

    30. M significant

    31. K raising

    32. O typical

    33. N suffer

    34. H minimize

    35. L resist





    46. what does the author say about ordinary Americans?

    答案:B- They think math is a complex subject

    47. What is the general complaint about Americas math education according to Hacker?

    答案: A- America is not doing as well as China

    48. What does Andrew Hackers Numeracy 101 aim to do?

    答案: : B-enable students to make practical use of basic math.

    49. What does Maria Drouikova suggest math teachers do in class?

    答案: : A-make complex concepts easy to understand.

    50. What does Pamela Harris think should be the goal of math education?

    答案: C- To broaden Americans perspectives on math.


    51. What does the author say about Japan?

    答案: : B - It takes the lead in providing robotic care

    52. What do we learn about the robot Terapig

    答案: : C-it does not have much direct contact with patients53. What are telepresence robots designed to do?

    答案: : D - Facilitate communication between patients and doctors or family members.

    54. What is one special feature of the robot Actroid F?

    答案: : A- It interacts with patients just like a human companion.

    55. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

    答案:C- Robots will not make nurses redundant.




    China attaches more and more importance to public libraries and encourage people to make full use of them. The newly publicized statistics demonstrate that tie number of public libraries in China is increasing year by year. Many libraries, through renovation and expansion, have created a quieter and more comfortable convironment for readers. Large public libraries not only provide a large variety of references but also hold activities like lectures and exhibitions. Many digital libraries have appeared in recent years, saving much space for keeping books. Some libraries are equipped with the self-service system, which facilitates book-borrowing and book-returning, thus satisfying the readers demand further.






    26. A advances

    27. l otherwise

    28. F devising

    29. J predators

    30. B boundaries

    31.G elsewhere

    32. K primarily

    33. M spotted

    34. D currently

    35. E determine


    Resilience is about how you recharge not how you endure




    46. What is the focus of thenew study from Duke University?

    答案:B -The predictors of children’s academic success.

    47. How did the researchersensure that their findings are valid?

    答案:A -By attaching equal importanceto all possible variables examined.

    48. What do we learn from thefindings of the Duke study?

    答案:B - There are more children withattention difficulties than previously thought.

    49. What does the Duke studyfind about children better accepted by peers?

    答案:A -They do better academically.

    50. What can we conclude fromthe Duke study

    答案:C - Social skills are playing akey role in children’s development.


    51. What does the author sayabout the negative impact of smart phones?

    答案: C -it is not so obvious but hascaused some concern.

    52. What is considered a lessobvious advantage of smartphone technology?

    答案: D--it greatly improves researchon human behavior.

    53.What characterizes traditional psychological research?

    答案: B-it relies on lab observationsand participants reports.

    54. How will future psychological studies benefit individuals?

    答案: A- By helping them pin downtheir unusual behaviors.

    55. What do we learn aboutcurrent psychological studies?

    答案: B- They are increasingly focusedon real-life situations.




    In recent years, the Chinese government has made more investment into the construction of gymnasiums to meet the people’s rapidly-growing demands for bodybuilding. Besides, many cities have increased the number of gymnasiums by modifying old factories and commercial buildings. Under the support of the government’s fund,more and more gymnasiums are open to the public for free or for a low fee. Many have improved their service through modern information technology so that people can book and pay in advance. It can be predicted that with the continuous improvement of sports facilities more and more people will do exercise in Gymnasiums.






    For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an?essay on why students should be encouraged to develop the ability to meet challenges.?You should write at least 150?words but no more than 200?words.


    In an ever-changing world, people are bound to face various challenges. However, challenges mean not only difficulties, but also opportunities. From my perspective, considering that there are many possibilities in our future,?we should not be afraid of challenges and encourage students to develop the ability to meet challenges.

    There are several factors accounting for my view. In the first place, challenges can cultivate our personality. It is inevitable that we will encounter difficulties and problems. At critical times, one’s positive attitude towards challenges plays a crucial role in turning hardship into good results. In addition, it is challenges that can inspire our potential. Whatever situation we are faced with, people who have the ability of dealing with difficulties?have a greater chance of success. Individuals may achieve temporary success by good luck, but only after we go through the adversity on our own can we have the solid foundation of success.?

    From what I have discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that?challenges may?have positive effects on our life. The earlier?we are aware of the optimistic side that challenges provide, the more benefits we will get.







    Why students should be encouraged to develop communication skills


    There are all kinds of students with different personalities in our diverse university. Despite this, it is beneficial for all of us to develop effective communication skills, and there are a few arguments that can justify my opinion.

    In the first place, as students, we inevitably face different groups of people: our roommates, our classmates, our professors and many others. Therefore, it is necessary for us to speak properly and avoid offending or hurting others when faced with certain kinds of people, which is the number-one social etiquette. Besides, those who can communicate effectively are often confident, popular, and make more friends. As a result, they tend to gain more respect and support from others when they feel in distress. Last but not least, effective communication with different people can broaden our horizons and cultivate our empathy, both of which are of utmost importance to our future lives.

    All in all, it is okay to be either shy or outgoing, but it is worth pondering before socializing with other people, especially people who hold a different personality. Only in this way can we truly integrate with our communities with a sense of belonging.








    For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on?why students should be encouraged to develop creativity.?You?should write at least 150 words but no more than?200?words.


    When it comes to the importance of?creativity, people often naturally come to a consensus. Ironically, an increasing number of people?tend to?ignore?this capability. From my point of view,?students should be encouraged to develop a creative mind, especially in the digital era we are living in.

    Firstly, in a time of information explosion when young people are immersed in a sea of messages, what they lack is not the ability to receive data, but the ability to think creatively. Students should learn to sift and organize various kinds of information in a creative way, so that they won’t feel lost oftentimes. Secondly, students need to develop their creativity because it will make them better prepared for their future career. Those who can come up with innovative solutions to the tricky issues they meet will be highly competitive at the workplace.

    In summary, the importance of encouraging students to develop their creativity could never be overstated. Their parents and teachers need to realize this and provide the students with more opportunities to cultivate their creativity.













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    我和你差不多状况 唉 郁闷死
    你对了10+7*2=24个 标准分算出来为171.5
    听力 选择每个算一个 单词每两个算一个 句子每个算两个
    你对了17+3+2=22个 标准分算出来为164.5
    完型每两个算一个 翻译每个算一个
    你对了6.5+1约等于8个 标准分算出来等于67.5
    所以你的总分算起来是 171.5+164.5+67.5+45=448.5
    这个分数能过六级的 可以领到成绩单 恭喜!


    答对 得分 标准分

    35 71 248.5

    34 68 238

    33 65 227.5

    32 63 220.5

    31 61 213.5

    30 59 206.5

    29 57 199.5

    28 55 192.5

    27 53 185.5

    26 51 178.5

    25 50 175

    24 49 171.5

    23 48 168

    22 47 164.5

    21 46 161

    20 45 157.5

    19 44 154

    18 44 154

    17 43 150.5

    16 42 147

    15 41 143.5

    14 40 140

    13 39 136.5

    12 38 133

    11 37 129.5

    10 36 126

    9 36 126

    8 35 122.5

    7 34 119

    6 34 119

    5 33 115.5

    4 32 112

    3 31 108.5

    2 30 105

    1 30 105

    0 29 101.5







    答对 得分 标准分

    15 71 106.5

    14 67 100.5

    13 63 94.5

    12 60 90

    11 57 85.5

    10 54 81

    9 51 76.5

    8 48 72

    7 45 67.5

    6 42 63

    5 39 58.5

    4 37 55.5

    3 35 52.5

    2 33 49.5

    1 31 46.5

    0 29 43.5




    我就是将过未过的边缘 闷

    三、2010年12月份英语六级试题及答案解析 谢谢

    仔细阅读答案:52-61ADCAC DBDDB
    52) A solve virtually existing all problems
    细节题。抓住时间点“In the early 2oth century” 我们从第一句 “offer solutions to almost every problem” 便可知道答案。选择A选项。

    53) D They realized that science and technology alone were no guarantee for a better world.
    推论题。 我们首先比较容易排除A和C项。B项具有迷惑性,关键是看“the stability of a society depended heavily on humanistic study”这个选项仔细看就会发现说得太绝对了,社会的问题主要是靠人文主义的研究?显然不是很恰当。我们从下面那句也可以推断出选D比较恰当。 “Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world.”

    54) C America is lagging behind in the STEMS disciplines.
    细节题。主要在第二段里找答案。从段落后两句“There is considerable and justified concern that the United States is falling behind much of the rest of the developed world in these essential disciplines.” 我们可以推断出是选C选项。 A和D选项比较容易排除。不选B选项,因为文章中 “India, China, Japan, and other regions seem to be seizing technological leadership.” seem to 表明这几个国家只是有种趋势,但还没有have overtaken。

    55) A Insufficient funding.
    细节题。我们在第三段里可以找到答案。 从“…are seriously underfunded…” “Humanists are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members…” 这些信息中,可以很快知道是A选项。

    56) C Humanistic thinking helps cultivate and define our culture and values.
    细节题。本题不难。作者为什么如此着重人文主义的研究,其他三项都是非常具体的,且都不是重点。只有C选项符合。且我们从最后这一句 “But try to imagine our world as well without the remarkable works that have defined our culture and values.” 及作者的语气可以更加确定是C选项。

    57. D. It will be some time before a new Einstein emerges.
    解 析:这道题针对开头两节。A和C答案比较容易排除,A说爱因斯坦把数学推到了一个极限,C说在将来的两百年都不会有物理学家超过爱因斯坦,这两个都明显不 合文章大意。B答案说需要一个爱因斯坦才能建立一种大一统理论,属于过度推理,并且细节性太强了。D答案是正确答案,很多同学不敢选D的原因是,因为有些 科学家们认为爱因斯坦或许还没有诞生或许还是个小婴儿,他们认为这样一来就有可能爱因斯坦已经存在了。但是这句话里面的爱因斯坦是代表伟大的科学家的意 思,那么这个题目选择D就是正确的,大家都同意的是像爱因斯坦那样伟大的科学家还需要一定的时间才会出现。

    58. B. His independent and abstract thinking

    59. D. They often go into fields yielding greater financial benefits.
    解析:正确答案选择D。这段文章是在问今天的物理学家们的情况, A说他们缺乏分析能力,B说他们擅长处理实际问题,C说他们重视发表文章,都是从根据文章细节中捏造出来的错误选项。D是对于文章内容的一个总结概括,数量众多的物理学家进入了更有经济利益的领域。

    60. D. Nobody will read papers on apparently ridiculous theories.
    解析:正确答案选择D。结合Greene讲的话,他说What an idea!还说是需要把头往墙上撞的人才会相信能找到个解决方案呢!说明内容实在是比较荒诞。

    61. B. was little known in academic circles
    解 析:正确答案选择B,说的是爱因斯坦在学术圈里面默默无闻,跟原文里面的“by a virtual unknown”相对应。有迷惑性的选择项是D,因为文中提到了爱因斯坦的文章没有配上脚注和注释footnote and citations.但是D选择项是说,爱因斯坦不懂得论文的格式,这个属于过度推理了。

    62 B set out set out plans表示制定计划

    63 C abandoning abandon 放弃,once unshakeable orthodoxy表示曾经不可动摇的做法,也就是现在要放弃了。

    64 B with struggle with表示同…斗争,介词搭配,这里表示设法应对广告收入和报纸销售量下降的局面。

    65 A intends intend to表示打算…,从后面的at the beginning of 2011,可知还没有这么做,只是计划或者打算这么做。

    66 C exceeded 超过,是说当用户每月阅读文章超过一定量时就要收费。

    67 C on 和side搭配,on the side of …表示拥护…;站在…一边。

    68 B charge 本词在文章中多次出现,charge sb表示向某人收费。

    69 B such as 表示举例,从后面举London's Evening Standard作为例子,可知应该选such as.

    70 B free 前面提到abandon readership revenue,即放弃读者收益,由此可知应该是make print editions free.

    71 D acknowledged 表示承认,这里表示Arthur Sulzberger承认这么做是一种赌博。

    72 C bet 打赌,赌注,从前面的gamble可知应该选bet。

    73 A circulation 发行量,从后面的数量可知应该选circulation。

    74 A behind NYT排名第三,即排在the Wall Street Journal and USA Today后面。

    75 C While while在这里表示对比,从上下文可知NYT与美国其他报纸不同。

    76 D claim 声称,宣称,这里是说NYT声称自己是全国范围的报纸。

    77 C maintains 维持,运营,即NYT还在世界其他地方运营着26个办公室。

    78 D like 从下文可知NYT和印刷行业的其他公司一样,也受到金融危机的影响,所以选like,表示同…一样。

    79 A serious 严重的,考察形容词与名词的搭配,从下文的数据可知遭受严重经济损失。

    80 D suffered 遭受,suffer a loss遭受损失,常见搭配。

    81 C loan 贷款,前文提到公司损失了很多钱,所以需要从别处借钱来补充资金。

    82. There is no denying that you ___________(越仔细越好) in dealing with this matter.
    解析:can never be too careful / can not be too careful
    【考点解释】本题考查“越仔细越好”“再…也不为过”的固定搭配,即can never be too/can not be too + adj.

    83. Only when I reached my thirties __________________________ (我才意识到读书是不能被忽视的)
    解析:did I realize that reading cannot be neglected
    did I realize that reading is unignorable
    【考点解释】本题考查由only when 引起的局部倒装。当only when置于句首,主句用局部倒装,即将助动词置于主语前面。only when引导句子时态为过去时(reached),为保持时态一致,主句助动词用did;注意被动语态的使用,reading与neglect为被动关系。同时也可以使用be+adj的结构。

    84. Much ___________________ (使研究人员感到惊讶),the outcome of the experiment was far better than they had expected.
    解析:to the researchers’ surprise
    【考点解释】本题考查固定搭配 to one’s surprise 使…惊讶的是…

    85. Oh, my, I can’t find my key; __________________________(我一定是把它放在哪儿了)。
    解析:I must have left / put it somewhere.
    【考点解释】本题考查对过去事情的肯定的猜测,即must have+过去分词,leave与put都有放置的意思,但leave强调遗忘在…,较之put,leave更贴合题意。

    86.I ________________________(宁愿加入你们去做义工)than go to the beach for a holiday.
    解析:would rather join you as a volunteer
    【考点解释】考查结构“宁愿…也不愿…”, 因题干中已存在“than go”的结构,只能使用 “would rather do rather than do”。加入… join sb

    关于六级阅读答案的问题,通过《2010年12月英语6级,求高手估分,看看能不能过?》、《2010年12月份英语六级试题及答案解析 谢谢》等文章的解答希望已经帮助到您了!如您想了解更多关于六级阅读答案的相关信息,请到本站进行查找!



