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2020-2021学年高一英语阅读技能提升专练:话题 2 旅游观光



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  • 2020-2021学年高一英语阅读技能提升专练:话题 2 旅游观光
  • 2020-2021学年英语周报高一课标版第1期答案及试题(第一期)
  • 2020-2021学年英语周报高一课标版第16期答案及试题(第十六期)
  • 2020-2021学年英语周报高一课标版第7期答案及试题(第七期)
  • 一、2020-2021学年高一英语阅读技能提升专练:话题 2 旅游观光




    21.Flying over India, Judith ________.

    A.began to see her relatives and friends

    B.seemed to be in a dream­like state

    C.felt too tired to imagine her relative

    D.didn't feel like sleeping at all

    答案与解析:B 文章的开头与结尾处都提及Judith由于长途飞行,身体和精神上极端疲劳,出现了幻觉。

    22.The plane was probably struck by lightning ________.

    A.on the way to India

    B.over Australia

    C.over Sri Lanka

    D.near London

    答案与解析:C 文中第二段提到Judith原打算在印度着陆,但又不想耽搁,遇到风暴时正飞越印度去斯里兰卡途中,由此推测她的飞机遭雷击时可能在斯里兰卡上空。

    23.The writer wrote the article with ________.





    答案与解析:C 通观全文,可感受到作者对Judith满怀钦佩之情。




    How to Age Well

    Getting older is inevitable, but you can slow the decline of aging with smart choices along the way. From the foods you eat and how you exercise to your friendships, it all has an effect on how fast or slow your body ages. __36__

    Lose just a little bit of weight.

    Small changes in body weight can have a big impact on health risks.__37__ While we'd love to lose our extra pounds, it's easier to start with a 5 percent weight loss goal and keep on.

    Avoid processed meat.

    __38__ A number of studies have found associations between eating a lot of processed meats and poor health. Other research has implicated processed meats in a higher risk for cancer. But there was no increase in risk associated with eating unprocessed red meat.


    The best eating strategy for aging well is to skip processed foods and drinks. That will immediately reduce added sugars from your diet. Once you cut out packaged foods, you will start eating a lot more fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish and whole grains.__40__

    Meanwhile, invest in a new pair of walking shoes, a gym membership or a delicious healthy meal with your family and oilier loved ones. All of those are likely to do much for your emotional and physical health.

    A.Skip packaged foods.

    B.Save the money you would spend on rich food.

    C.And the good news is that it's never too late to get started.

    D.This has been shown in numerous studies to be good for you.

    E.There's some evidence that vitamin B12 is good for the aging brain.

    F.Losing just 5 percent of your body weight has been shown to reduce your risk for diabetes and heart disease.

    G.Processed meals like hot dogs and sausages have been salted, cured or smoked to improve preservation.

    答案:36-40 CFGAD



    There was once a young ballerina (芭蕾舞女演员) who had taken ballet lessons all through her childhood. She wanted to be a leading ballet dancer but she wanted to be __41__ about this. When a ballet __42__ came to town, she went backstage after the __43__ and spoke to the ballet master:“I want to be a great ballet dancer but I don't know if I have the __44__ at all.” The master said, “__45__ for me.”

    After a minute or two, he shook his head and said, “No, no, no, you don't have what it takes to be a __46__ ballerina.”

    The young woman went home __47__. She threw the ballet slippers into the closet and never wore them again. __48__ she got married and had children. When the kids were __49__ enough, she took a part­time job as an assistant at a corner shop.

    __50__ later, the same ballet company came into town. She __51__ it and on the way out, she __52__ the same old ballet master who was then in his eighties. She __53__ him what they had spoken before. She __54__ him photos of her children and told him about the corner shop job that she was doing. And then she asked, “There is just one thing that really __55__ me for many years. How could you tell me that I don't have what it takes to be a great ballerina?”

    “Oh, I __56__ looked at you when you danced; that's what I told all of them who __57__ to me,” he said.

    “But...but, that' s unforgivable! You have __58__ my life. I could have been a great ballet dancer!” she cried.

    “No, no...I don't think so. __59__ you had what it takes, you wouldn't have paid any __60__ to what I said.” The old ballet master said.

    Well, whose fault is it anyway?

    41.A.careful   B.brave

    C.happy   D.sure

    答案与解析:D 根据本段中她的问话可知,她想当一名出色的芭蕾舞女演员,但是想“确信(sure)”自己拥有这方面的才能。

    42.A.class   B.company

    C.team   D.teacher

    答案与解析:B 根据第四段中的the same ballet company可知选B项。

    43.A.performance   B.discussion

    C.lesson   D.crowd

    答案与解析:A 根据本句前半句中的内容可知她在“演出(performance)”结束后来到了后台。

    44.A.choice   B.freedom

    C.talent   D.right

    答案与解析:C 根据下文的what it takes to be可知,她向对方请教,说自己想成为一名伟大的芭蕾舞女演员,但是不知道自己究竟是否具备这方面的“才能(talent)”。

    45.A.Work   B.Prepare

    C.Wait   D.Dance

    答案与解析:D 根据下一句中的内容可知他先让这位年轻的芭蕾舞女演员跳给她看,故选D项。此外,倒数第四段开头部分的when you danced也是提示。

    46.A.great   B.serious

    C.beautiful   D.special

    答案与解析:A 此处与上文中的I want to be a great ballet dancer相呼应,故选A项。

    47.A.tired   B.excited

    C.puzzled   D.heartbroken

    答案与解析:D 对方的话对她的打击非常大,再结合下一句中的内容可知她回到家后极度伤心,故选D项。

    48.A.However   B.Therefore

    C.Instead   D.Otherwise

    答案与解析:C 此处表示意思的对比,故选C项。她把芭蕾舞鞋扔到壁橱中,再也不穿了,相反开始结婚生子。

    49.A.clever   B.old

    C.lovely   D.strong

    答案与解析:B 当孩子长到足够“大(old)”的时候,她在拐角的一家商店找到了一份工作。

    50.A.Years   B.Months

    C.Weeks   D.Days

    答案与解析:A 上文中提到她结婚生子,等孩子长到一定年龄时在商店找了一份工作,由此可推断是几年之后,故选A项。

    51.A.played   B.joined

    C.hated   D.attended

    答案与解析:D 根据本句中的on the way out可知,她“观看(attended)”了这次芭蕾舞演出。

    52.A.ran into   B.quarreled with

    C.believed in   D.spoke of

    答案与解析:A 根据下文中二人的对话可知,在出来的路上,她又“碰到(ran into)”了那位老人。

    53.A.promised   B.advised

    C.reminded   D.cheated

    答案与解析:C 时隔多年,此时的老人已经八十多岁了,所以她“提醒(reminded)”对方以前曾经交谈过。

    54.A.sent   B.showed

    C.sold   D.designed

    答案与解析:B 她向对方“展示(showed)”孩子的照片,并告诉对方有关自己工作的一些情况。

    55.A.interested   B.encouraged

    C.frightened   D.bothered

    答案与解析:D 根据后一句她所提的问题可知,她年轻的时候非常希望成为一名优秀的芭蕾舞演员,至今仍念念不忘昔日的梦想,所以多年来一直为此事“烦扰(bothered)”。

    56.A.secretly   B.immediately

    C.barely   D.proudly

    答案与解析:C 第二段的开头提到她仅仅跳了一两分钟,对方就摇头并表示了否定意见,由此可推测当她跳的时候,他“几乎没有(barely)”看她。

    57.A.contributed   B.came

    C.replied   D.wrote

    答案与解析:B 他对每一个前“来(came)”向他求教的人都是那么说的。

    58.A.ruined   B.improved

    C.experienced   D.controlled

    答案与解析:A 她认为他不负责任的评价“毁(ruined)”了她的生活,葬送了她的美好前程。

    59.A.As   B.If

    C.But   D.So


    60.A.money   B.effort

    C.visit   D.attention

    答案与解析:D 根据本句前半句中的内容可知,他认为“如果(If)”她确实具备成为优秀芭蕾舞演员的才能,就不会“在意(attention)”他所说的话。




