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History refers to all the things that happened in the past, especially the political, social, or economic development of a nation. Literally, everything, including a nation, a city, a town, a subject, a business, and even a product, has its unique history. Some individuals are of the opinion that studying past history is useless today but others believe it is very essential to know history to better understand the present. I intend to discuss both sides of the argument in this essay.

Undoubtedly, the present is the continuation of the past. Therefore, studying the past history can enable us to better understand what is going on around us. For example, if we are equipped with relevant knowledge of history, it will be easier for us to understand the evolution of mankind. It would also tell us how we progressed and reached where we are today. We would also know how technology developed step by step. History can serve us as a guide because of which we do not repeat the mistakes of yesteryears. We also get inspiration from the great men of the past through history.

Those opposed to the study of history argue that the past was very different from the present and we cannot apply that knowledge to the present. For example, they say that the French Revolution and the freedom struggle of India have no need to be learnt because those situations will never arise again. What they forget is that this knowledge makes us realise the importance of liberty and self governance.

Opponents of the study of history also claim that history has nothing to do with professionals such as architects and accountants. I believe they would be better in their professions if they know something about the history of architecture or that of accountancy. As a matter of fact, you are supposed to demonstrate some evidence of historical ability if you want to pursue almost any career.

To sum up, studying the past history can not only deepen and widen our knowledge but also help us develop the power of analysis. Thus, we are able to look at what is happening at present from a historical perspective and better understanding. It has been rightly said by Cicero :-
e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e330History is the witness of the times
The torch
The teacher of life
The life of memory
The messenger of antiquity”




  • 求一篇雅思范文 出国留学的利弊

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 留学的两个最佳时间百点:1国内高中毕业后去国外读本科;2国内本科毕业后去国外读研究生。留学的最差时间点:高中阶段出度国留学(英语极好的人除外)。原因很好理解,换知位思


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